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"Wait what?"

"Jack johnson has feelings for you" she repeated.

"Do you mean... Jack Johnson from school? The one that we know since forever ago?"

Wow Heather you're such a smart girl.

"No shit" she said with a sarcastic tone.

"B...but how do you know that?" I stuttered. My brain still had to process what Melissa just told me. I mean Jack Johnson? In love with me? Nah. If he really was in love with me he would've told me long time ago. Johnson used to tell me everything. We were inseparable.

"Remember when he drove me home last time?" I nodded. "Well we were talking about our childhood and stuff and then he randomly just asked about you and Nash"

I didn't know what to say. To be honest i had a crush on him since 3rd grade but i was way to neevous to confess my love for him...

And it that moment i realized.....

Their shyness didn't let them confess their love to each other.

"Oh my god" a tear was starting to slip down my cheek. "We've been in love with each other for 9 years, i feel horrible" now started crying. Melissa just pulled me into a hug and was patting my back"

After a few minutes i calmed myself down.

"So... What are you going to do now? I mean you already have a boyfriend" I didn't answer. Im speechless.

"Heather are you okay now?"

"No Melissa im not fucking okay,  i had a chance to date johnson like AGES ago" "it's all my fault, oh my gosh i just cant imagine what he feels everytime he sees me with Nash everyday, im such a horrible person and...."

"Heather calm down" she put both of her hands on my shoulders. "It's never too late you know?" I saw a smile growing on her face.

"What? No i'm in love with Nash, Mel" What the hell is wrong with her. I mean yeah i loved Johnson but ever since Nash and I met, i was able to put johnson aside and keep moving forward.

"Oh yeah? Even though he cheated on you with that girl Savanna when you two had less than a week dating?"

"Yes i still love him even though he did that. That's called true love . You have to forgive to forget." that sounded so cheesy.

"No honey, that's called BEING STUPID" she remarked her last words.

She was right.

"Shut up Mel, besides, we all know that before Nash started dating me he was a badass. Like a hardcore badass. But he has changed."

"Well yeah i agree on that but..." I shushed her just like she did to me before.

"Sshhh. How about we end this conversation and go get some food" I was starving to death.

"Fine but what are you going to do with Jack?"
She couldn't shut the hell up for a second.

"I don't know Mel, let's just forget about it for a moment" i begged her.

"Okay" she sighed. "Last one to get there has to wash the dishes!" 

Then we both raced to the kitchen.

But i still couldn't get jack's problem out of my head.

Will this ever change? // J.JWhere stories live. Discover now