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We were getting near the hotel were my sister was staying at. I was so excited to see her again and tell her about everything that she has missed.

"We're here honey" my mom parked the car and we got out. 
When we entered to the hotel's lobby i was trying to spot her inbetween the people.  And there she was sitting down with her suitcase while looking through her phone.

"There she is!" I whispered to my mom and then decided to tap her shoulder from behind and she turned around to face me.

"LIL SIS" She shouted and hugged me like never before.

"Nicole i missed you so much" I told her returning the hug.

"Not more as i missed you" she smiles "Where's mom?"

I pointed towards where my mom was standing at and Nicole ran up to her and gave her a huge hug.

"Mommy" She cried. I laughed at the fact that she still called our mom by that name.

After all the sentimental moment we headed back home.

"Oh gosh i missed the smell of old house"
My mom and i just rolled our eyes.
Nicole has always been EXTREMELY exaggerated about everything. The house was only like 4 years old.

"So Nicole, darling, how's college?" My mom always starting conversations.

"To be honest, is like ten thousand times worse than high school" Nicole said exhausted.

I just gulped.

"But it's okay i guess, i made lots of new friends"

"I bet they are good influence, right?" My mom raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm... Yeah of course mom"

Stop lying Nicole.

"Okay then" my mom wasn't convinced at all by her response.

"I'll let you two catch up on everything that has happened, i'll go make dinner"
My mom said exiting the living room.

"Soooooo...." Nicole said. She had a big smirk on her face.

"So what?" I laughed.

"Oh c'mon Heather, you know what i'm referring to" she said elbowing my arm.

Guys. Of course.

"So you want me to talk about Nash?" I knew the answer to that.

"Yes silly, i want to know more about my brother-in-law"

She did not just called him that.

"Well uhm... He's cute, likes vegan food, LOVES bunnies more than he loves me..."

"No way!" Nicole reacted as if was something serious.

"Yeah way" i said

We just kept on talking about how was college and everything. Actually college didn't sound that horrible, Nicole told me that she has like 2 parties every week. Damn i wish i had that life. I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket. It was a text from Mel.

"Shit" i said under my breath.

"What happened?" My sister heard me.

"I forgot i had something to do, i'll be back later" i grabbed my car keys and drove to Melissa's house.
When i got there i knocked on the door and she opened it right away. This girl has some serious issues.

"Wow that was fa...." I was cut off by Melissa


If this girl doesn't stop soon i swear im going to loose it. We both went to her room, when we were already inside she locked the door. She was giving me the creeps. Was it really THAT serious?

"Okay so, are you ready to hear the news?" She was whispering.

"Dude, we're home alo...." Aaand she cut me off.... Again.

"SSHHHHHHHH" she put a finger on my lips.

"JUST SPIT IT OUT DAMMIT" I had to yell at her, she was starting to annoy me. The room got silent. Not a single sound.

"Well..." She was playing with her fingers. It took her a while to tell me. I was starting to get worried. Did someone die? Was someone at the hospital? I don't know and the longer she takes, makes me more and more nervous.

"So?..." I decided to break the silence. She finally stared into my eyes and took a deep breath.


"Johnson has feelings for you"

Will this ever change? // J.JWhere stories live. Discover now