The Day Before

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A few days passed before we heard anything back from Jaha. There were wolves surrounding the house everyday, making it supposedly difficult for anymore surprises. At some point Jaha was contacted through a human that the Solomon Pack wanted to speak with James and Jack directly.

"You're little human friend is alive," Jaha said when as he sat at the table. Relief flooded through me, which quickly translated to worry. Cassidy placed a glass of iced lemon tea in front of Jaha. He nodded to her in thanks. "We've replied with a phone contact. They should be calling soon." He said. Jaha picked up the glass of tea, and closed his eyes as he as he slowly sipped it. "Cassidy dear, your tea has always been my favorite."

"Thank you," she replied with a polite smile. I stayed quiet, sitting at the round kitchen table. Already sitting at the table was Jaha, Jack, James and I. Cassidy was still putting something together on the future away counter. Sandwiches, perhaps?

"The Solomon Pack seems to believe that there is something valuable about this human," Jaha said, taking another sip, "I am reluctant to risk a deal for this human," he said. I furrowed my brows, annoyed. "But," he added, "I am intrigued why the Solomon Pack might think we would be willing to do something for a stranger." I glared at him with hatred. Jaha was a monster.

Before anything could add anything else, a ringtone sound through the room. A basic ringtone, probably the one that came with the phone. Jaha slipped the small device out of this pocket. He flipped it open and pressed a button.

"Jaha," the voice on the end of the line said. The voice was deep and had an undertone of malice. "I had wanted to speak to Jack," the voice said. I felt worry grip my chest.

"I'm here," Jack said firmly, his own voice ringing intimidatingly. I grit my teeth together.

"And Ara?" the voice asked. I flinched at the sound of my name. Jack looked up at me in expectation, and I tried to crush down my fears, lest they make my voice shake.

"I'm here as well," I said, the sound of my voice coming out surprisingly strong. Jack nodded to me, trusting that I could handle myself. I met his eyes to confirm I wouldn't back down. I was afraid, yes, but that wasn't going to stop me from standing up against an enemy. Even if they were ravenous wolves.

"Well," the voice said darkly, "I have a young officer here. He's not ready to talk right now." He said. I sucked in a breath, my anger starting to simmer. "We'd like to arrange a meeting," the voice started, "in person." Jack glared at the device, not responding. I wondered how dangerous a meeting could be between two rival packs. How much were we risking by choosing to meet with them?

The voice on the other end of the line let out a soft chuckle. "We have no trouble terminating this human." I bit my lip harshly.

"And why would we care about this human?" Jaha finally interjected. I gasped, rising to my feet.

"Excuse me?" I said loudly. Jack's eyes widened, slightly panicked. He mouthed the words, 'no' and tried to signal me to stay quiet, followed by a dark warning glare from Jaha.

My fury made me braver.

"We have to save him," I said angrily, "A life is a life. It matters." I clenched my fists, feeling my nails dig into the skin. Cassidy quickly rushed to me and pulled me away from the table. She whispered abrasively to me, holding my arm in a tight grip.

"We can't let the enemy know our Luna has a bleeding heart," she said in a hushed voice. I tried to pull my arm away from her, but she just yanked downward, holding me firmly. "They'll come to the conclusion that hostages is a good way to get what they want." I glared at the floor, angry.

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