42-♫-Longest Night

Start from the beginning

            “Don’t you forget your promise to me though,” I say sternly, staring at Teegan’s closed eyes. “You swore you would always come back and I’m not about to forget that promise.”
            His body was so still, the only sound being made coming from his breathing ventilator.

            The heart monitor beats slowly, the green line spiking with a soft beep.

            Bringing his hand to my lips, I press my lips against his skin.

            “I really miss you Teegan,” I whisper, his cold hand between my own.

            I watch him, hoping for a slight flutter of the eyes or a twitch of the fingers. Nothing.

            I continue.

            “I turned eighteen today and instead of feeling happy and freed at last, I feel ..” I trail off, whispering. Sad. I felt sad.

            Today was supposed to be the day i could pack up and leave home forever. Today was supposed to be the day with just Teegan and i.

            Sighing, I close my eyes.

            Teegan shouldn’t be feeling sad right now. He would be here with me if he could, I remind myself.

            I had to be happier. I had to show him that when he came back, I would be right here waiting.

            Opening my eyes, I sniff, forcing my lips into a smile.

            I don’t even know what my goal was, telling him all of this but all I knew was that I didn’t want to leave his side.

            Fixing his pillow, I try and think of another topic to talk about- well I guess another topic to tell him. It was a one sided conversation right now.

            “My father called this morning, he even sent flowers but my mother and Carmina….” I trail off, a small frown on my face. “Well, they probably won’t call anytime soon.”

            Shoot…. That was sad wasn’t it?

            “But that’s okay,” I rush out, wanting to get rid of that sad note. “ I’m here with you and that’s all I need.”

            Shuffling closer to him, my lips at his ear, I laugh softly. “Although, for my birthday gift, you should get me a chocolate cupcake when you wake up. It has to be the one from that bakery in that town you took me too a couple months ago.”

            Kissing his lips, I sit back in my seat, resting my head on his arm.

            Feeling drowsy and tired, I knew that being here next to him would be the closest I would get to feeling calm so I close my eyes, letting nature do it’s thing.


            “Shhh, you idiot. You walk like a freaking elephant on steroids,” someone hisses.

            I groan, my neck stiff as I start to come to my senses.

            Hearing everything go silent, I force my eyes open, the world tilted sideways.

            Lifting my head off of Teegan’s arm, I look for signs of Teegan being awake but like it has been for the past week, his eyes are closed, his face blank.

Finding Aria (Wᴀᴛᴛʏ Aᴡᴀʀᴅs 2013)Where stories live. Discover now