16-♪- Drunken Masses

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            I fidget in my summer dress glaring at my image, pinpointing everything I hated about the way I looked.

            My hair looked flat, my skin sickly pale and the dress just wasn’t working.

            I shot an envious glance to my right to see Maria in a gorgeous teal blue summer dress, her long dark hair and skinny legs the highlights.

            Throwing on a cardigan, I grab my purse and leave the room, a bitter taste to my mouth.

            It was just a stupid frat party on the beach. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone anyway.

            As I skip two steps at a time down the stairs, I freeze at the bottom level when all the guys look at me.

            “Dang, you clean up nice,” Zach whistles.

            I throw him an irritated look. “Don’t even joke about that Zach.”

            Zach raises his hands up, a surprised look to his face. “I mean it.”

            I don’t respond as I go to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water.

            Taking a long gulp, I try to shove my self-consciousness and self-loathing away. Besides, I shouldn’t be mean to Zach, I scold myself, he was just trying to be nice.

            Running a hand through my hair, I walk back to the living room, quietly taking an empty seat next to Teegan who looks at me weirdly.

            “What?” I ask, fidgeting around and avoiding his gaze.

            “Nothing,” he says, smiling like he knew something I didn’t. “You look beautiful.”

            My cheeks flare up in heat and I bite my lip, looking back to the television screen where Zach and Trey are rooting for their favorite teams.

            “Pass it! Pass it- no!” Zach roars, jumping to his feet.

            “Take that you mother trucker” Trey yells at Zach, leaping to his feet and throwing down a bowl of popcorn as he disses Trey, elated that his team scored a point. Trey grunts at Zach and they puff out their chests, pretending to size each other up.

            I roll my eyes, laughing along with Teegan and they pretend wrestle, popcorn littering the floor.

            Just as I return my gaze to the TV, I can feel Teegan staring at me. However, when I turn to him, he looks away, a small smile on his lips.

            “What are you looking at?” I ask laughing.

            “Your gorgeous smile,” Teegan responds cheekily.

            I blush. He was such a smooth talker.

            “You liar-“

            “Hi guys!” Maria chirps, entering the room and doing a twirl for us, her six-inch heels making her tower over everyone.

            She looked gorgeous.

            Clearing my throat, I look away from Maria’s triumphant gaze and stare at my feet.

            “Shall we go now?” Teegan asks, clearing his throat in the silent room.

Finding Aria (Wᴀᴛᴛʏ Aᴡᴀʀᴅs 2013)Where stories live. Discover now