Chapter 7

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Vit cursed under his breath.
"Fuck," he whispered low.
"What?" Ai jogged up next to him as he stopped.
"The top is just up there, but it seems everyone but you and I are there." Ai didn't wait for him to finish his sentence, she ran with all her might. Someone would take her place. She might not be allowed to live, but she would die fighting. She didn't care that Vit didn't follow. He could feel the enemy just up ahead. If his traitorous mate wanted to be there, then that was fine.
Ai tripped on a protruding root and feel on sharp rocks. A deep gash appeared on her thigh, but she couldn't care. She halted when she found only confused male wolves at the top, Luna Tracey, and Alpha Thames.
"What's going on?" She asked Caleb who was closest.
"Most of the girls refuse to complete the challenge. Actually, all the girls but you." Many wolves looked at Ai in confusion.
"What? Why?" Ai asked with startled surprise. Caleb simply raised his broad shoulders in a hefty shrug. The sick, icy feeling slithered down her spine again. Caleb and a few other wolves stiffened. Slowly they turned, looking for the source. Nothing.
"Your hurt." Caleb said noticing her deep gash. A lot of blood was leaving her.
The forest didn't even dare breathe. Birds quiet and wind stilled, but the presence of something undetected raised the hairs on the back of their necks. Even the most oblivious wolves had noted something amiss then. Ai smelled the air but there was nothing.
"Oh god," Caleb mumbled. Ai followed his gaze to the trees. The shadows of the tall branches seemed to shift. Figures and silhouettes dripped toward the floor, corralling them in on all sides.
"I did say I would find you," Ai knew that voice. It had deepened and matured. It contained charm and dishonesty. It made her mark burn bright and hot.
"No," she said as she turned. The man before her was not the boy hiding behind his master anymore. The man was tall, built. Pale skin and midnight hair. His apple green eyes seared into her.
"Out of all my potential mates, you shine through. Is it the loyalty or traditionalism of your pack that make you the cream of the crop?" He questioned. He took a threatening step forward.
"Answer me." His commanding tone of voice made her mark soothe on her shoulder. It had always been painful or uncomfortable, but in his wicked presence it melted it's rigid stance and compelled her to worship her bonded mate.
"Neither." He raised a brow at her shaking voice.
"Go on."
"It's my stubbornness."
The man before her let out a barking laugh. He then turned to address the crowd of confused faces.
"Are any among you Her mate?" They glanced from the strange man to the shadows surrounding them. It was hard to tell how many wolves surrounded them, but soft growls told them they were far out numbered.
"No?" He glance to the forest. "Kill them then. My brother is not here." Ai gasped as black wolves appeared out of the trees and started shredding the male wolves. The ones that tried to fight back only seemed like toddlers. There was no way they would live.
"No!" Ai shouted as she lunged at the man. However she couldn't shift, she couldn't even scratch or punch him. Her own body betrayed her to the mark. He laughed and pulled her to his body.
"Why do you fight it?" He whispered. She wanted to feel revolted or disgusted. But her mark hummed peacefully. The throb in her leg disappeared.
"When I speak to you, when I hum a word, your body will become a slave to me." He slowly traced his hand to her face. "When I touch you, you will melt into me. Get used to it, you are the only one of my potential mates to bravely meet your fate head on. You will be my mate."
She shook her head no. No. No. No!
He rolled his eyes and commanded her to sleep. Like a robot, she did. She felt onto a dreamless sleep to the sound of ripping flesh, the male wolves dying behind her.
Tears escaped her eyes.
Constantin sneered. He remembered the day he chose his potential mates. His father made him run to every strong pack. They snuck in under the cover of night. He remembered looking down at the little girls in their beds. They ranged from 5 to 7. It was key to be older than your mate; to be dominant. As a cold ten year old he bent down and marked them. 5 girls, all of them at the challenge of the mates. They had grown up weak though. Under the impression that he wouldn't choose them or their mates would save them. Except Aiyana. He smiled as she dropped to the ground. No he didn't catch her. He wanted her mate to manifest himself, so Constantin could rip out his throat. He could smell the beginnings of a bond to another wolf on her, and he didn't like sharing. He stepped over her with his heavy combat boot and stomped over to the fighting wolves. There was maybe 3 or 4 left.
"Stop." His icy voice froze every muscle in the fighting crowd.
"You," Constantin pointed to the small group of wolves who had been successfully fending off his own wolves.
"I'll give you two choices, I am a merciful man, join or die." His stone voice never wavered.
"What kind of options are those? Fuck that!" The foolish words flew out of a young boys mouth.
"Your name, boy?"
He stuck out his chin with pride.
Constantin took in his build with a sadistic smile. Constantin only ever smiled that way. The wolves parted and gave Alexander a clear path to their Alpha.
"Fight me then." He taunted slowly. Alexander came charging right at him. The boy's technique was poor. Within a moment Constantin had him easily pinned.
"Two out of three?" Constantin asked. Alexander stood quickly into a fighting stance. Only Constantin struck first with a heavy blow to the head. He placed his foot on Alexander to hold him face down.
Constantin's powerful domineering voice shook the remaining will of the surviving enemy wolves as he announced Alexander's fate.
"A lesson, offered to you by your new Alpha." He leaned down and flipped Alexander so his stomach was vulnerable.
"You will lay here, dying slowly. I hope you learn from your stupidity before you stop breathing."
Alexander spat the blood from his mouth onto Constantin. Huh.
Constantin sharply trusted his hand into Alexander's abdominal region breaking the skin and surrounding his forearm with soft tissue. He grabbed a random chunk of meat and pulled it out before dropping it on Alexander's chest.
"Any one else?" He arrogantly called.
Constantin smiled. An entire generation of fit wolves removed from each pack, weakening them. This was only a small part of his plan.

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