My life

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This is a picture of Taka

*ring *ring

"Wake up your gonna be late for school!" My little sister screamed

My everyday life was the Same. My sister would wake me and I'll get dress in 30 minutes and I'm off to school. I don't eat breakfast I don't wait to leave. I leave when I'm done.

"I'm off!" I screamed to my mom

"Ok have a great day" she replied.

I was always alone. I walked to school with music in my ears and my mind blank. My life's no worries everything is calm and peaceful. My life without friends couldn't be better.


"Take you seats. Take your seat!"the teacher yelled

My class was full of those  people who didn't care about the rules. The people who thought they were top of the school.  I was the one that stood out the most.

"Hey Taka here" a girl from behind whispered in my ear.

I didn't turn around. She just wanted to bully me like always.

"Yo haru did u see how you threw that ball it was amazing dude" said ken.

"Dude it was nothing" haru replied.

I turned to see what everyone was so happy about.

Me and ken eyes met. I turned my head fast. Ken and haru were apart of the Basketball team. They were the main people in school who thought they were the sh*** .

Hahaha ken giggled.

"Dude what's so funny ?" Haru asked

"Taka made eye contact with me she's kinda cute" Ken laughed.

"That girl? cute how? " haru whispered.

I didn't turn around. I could here their whispers of me from behind. As I said before I have no time to be bothered by people like them, But ken words Ranged in the back of my head. He called me cute.*Taka blushed*


"Excuse me but why is she sitting her" Emily giggled.

That girl... she was the riches girl in school and she was caption of the volleyball team.

"Ummm excuse you but today I'm seating there" she said as she pinched my shoulder.

Now me I could care less about people talking about me, but don't f**** touch me. I turned around slowly.

" ok first of all don't touch me"I said as I pinched her shoulder back.

"Who the hell are you!" She shouted dumping her tray over my head.

I grabbed my tray and threw it at her head causing her to fall back and trip over the trash. Pretty soon the cafeteria was at war with food. My school couldn't get anymore stressful. Me and Emily was sent to to office. As you can imagine a girl like Emily and a girl like me.  She total got away with what's she did as for me. I was sent to Detention for the rest of the week. That's just how my school is. I'm a nobody here. All the kids laugh behind my back. I do nothing and get hated. I do something and get hated. I'm better off staying in the backward as always. I went in the The detention room it was dark and cold and there I saw haru and his ex making out.

"What the hell is going on!" I shouted

"Who.. who the hell are you?" His ex shouted

"Why the hell are you in here!" Haru then shouted

"Well excuse me but I was sent here. Why the hell are you with her when you're dating Emily. What the hell is going on!" I shouted Frustrated at how my day has been going.

"Wait you're dating Emily?" His ex asked

He looked at me with an angry face then looked back at Sara.

"Yea I am" he said.

I started to laugh. He looked so dumb now.

Sara walked out the room as she looked me dead in my eyes and rolled them.

"You've got to be kidding me you're...... You're a total jerk" I laughed in haru face.

" I wasn't even doing anything" he said.

"Are you seriously trying t-

"I didn't do anything I was so close to her because I was trying to tell her to leave me alone. She's obsessed with me." He said with a straight face

I rolled my eyes as I found my seat.

"I don't care about your problems and I won't but in so you don't need to worry player" I said to him with a sharp smile.

"What is wrong with you you're just as annoying as they say" he said as he walked out the class room.

Detention lasted 3 hours when I left I bumped into Emily.

"Watch where you're going dumb ass" her and her two friends behind her giggled. She was coming back from practice.

"O I see you're walking home all alone. Man are you gay? Or do guys just not find you attractive"

I walked away trying to ignore ever word she said.

"O I see you're just ugly" she laughed.

At the moment my mind blew up and I couldn't control my temper.


"What?" Emily asked

I turned to walk away and standing In Front of me was haru and behind me was his ex. What the hell have I've​ Done once again.

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