26 we are back !!

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" don't get involved" Rebecca whispered in my ear. Who is she to tell me what to do. I got angry and Twisted her hand and grabbed her neck.

" don't tell me what to do " I told with a tone of rage.

"You're a strong one but I'm stronger" she muttered as she grabbed my neck and Twisted it.

But before I blacked out I heard Klaus say " REBECCA " as he caught me before I hit the floor.


"You been hiding something Stefan so I I thought I would seek myself what it is "

"Welcome back to Mystic Falls"

I opened my eyes and saw that I was lying in a truck and I turned around and saw Klaus and Stefan.

"So you're awake, love " said Klaus as he helped me up. I looked at him and saw his smirk.

I saw Stefan get out of the tuck with rebecca. I looked at Klaus again.

"Klaus where are we and what are we doing "

His smirk somehow Grew bigger. " we're at Mystic Falls to make hybrids and to capture Elena , we're going to their High School,love "

"So are we gonna fight " I said with a huge smirk, he nodded his head and wrapped his arm around my wasit. When I saw him do that my smirk changed into a smile


We arrive there and it was pranker day , Klaus went to find elean and I just acted like I was a student so I could spy on Bonnie and Caroline. But they were boring so I waiting for my queue and that was when Rebekah and Stefan came.

I was hiding in the shadows.

" attention seniors you have been officially busted" Klaus said when he came in as he drag Elena.

" prank night is over head on home" he said with a smirk.I smiled when the seniors were disappointed.

"You two , I remember you you two" said Klaus to the two teens.

" I'm sorry who are you " the girl asked

"Oh don't worry I wasn't in my right head you met me"

He then compelled the girl to hold up her foot and the boys beat her if she puts her foot down. I thought about it , and it seemed cruel because they were innocent.

But I didn't pay attention to them I was on my phone texting him.
But he didn't answer if you're wondering who he is, he's my secret partner in crime.

The door opened and Bonnie and Matt walked in laughing until they saw Klaus and elean.

"BONNIE GET OUT OF HERE" screamed Elena, but it was too late Klaus used his vampire speed and caught her

"Oh I was wondering when you would show up" he said evily.

Matt was so confused he looked atklaus then bonnie.

"OK now we can get started, Dana when you relax you and Chad sit tight" Klaus said to the teen and bonnie.

Elena gave Klaus a dirty look, I wanted to just ripped out of throat. But I stayed where I was.

Klaus and bonnie were whispering and then Rebecca came. That's my cue.

I ran outside quietly because I wanted to make a huge entrance.

"Like you all you meet me sister Rebecca" said klaus, " warning she can be quite mean

Boom! The doors went as I walked in and all eyes were on me , my heels clicked and clicked as walked. I was wearing something dark and wicked. And I had a huge smirk.

Elena's mouth dropped so did Bonnie's.

"Oh and my lovely Kate " he said but no with a smirk but smile


Ughh long chapter ..... And yea cliffhanger I know so I will update tomorrow I promise

Ok guys I have two questions

1 did you guys like this chapter (p.s please tellme if it was good it means a lot )

2 who do you think Kate is texting and calling ???

Vote. comment. share!!

Bye bye

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