Chapter 12- Gender reveal

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Arriving at the hospital he rushed into David's room quietly, thinking he was asleep.

"Looking for your phone?" David turned over making Hayden jump.

"Yeah you've seen it?"

"I might have...I might have not!" He said smirking sinisterly.

"I know you don't like me!-but please give me my phone!" He pleaded desperately.

"Under one condition!" A cunning grin wiped across his features.

"What would that be?"

"Leave this town, never speak to Jade again!.

"Why would I want to do that?" He said smiling.

"Because otherwise the whole school will know your big secret!" David laughed.

"How did you know..." David cut him off.

"I answered your call!"

"You're a dick!- why would you want to hurt jade?" He asked.

"She's mine Hayden and she always has been so fuck off to this address!- I never want to see you again!" The laughter evaporated from his eyes. His customary warmth gone faster than summer rain on the tarmac. Indeed even his focus was somewhere on the window behind David, as if David had become invisible to him or he could not bare to see him at all. He'd crossed some invisible line, offended his sensibilities, but Hayden thought their bond immune. Now Hayden's blood drained and heart hammered erratically. Hayden was never afraid of his anger when it came as fire, for that burnt hot and fast. Hayden was deathly afraid of his ice. It coated him like protective permafrost, it had saved him from the torments of his youth, but now the same method could isolate him from his new family, his friends. It was pointless to try to reach him now, Hayden's well meant words would bounce off as good as hard rain. David knew it was taking effect on him and enjoyed to etch him suffer, happily he smiled Knowing he would not have to see him tomorrow, thaw his anger, or ever return that loving spark to his eyes.

"You're sick!" Hayden spat.

"Is it a deal!" David blackmailed.

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Jade's little face slackened; her brow furrowed, wilting like flowers in the autumn- eyes darting about in concern as if she were searching for a place to hide.

"Mum do you think he's alright it's 10:30pm?" She asked worry becoming present.

"Jade I'm sure he's perfectly fine!" She reassured.

"But how long does it pick up your phone and leave...not long!" She said growing more grumpy.

"He's probably held up or couldn't find his phone."

"I know Hayden and he's never late!" She investigated.

"I'm going to phone the police.'"

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