Chapter 2- Losing virginity

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Jade walks up the cold steps. Her heart beating hard, fast, feeling like it's about to leap out of her chest. She doesn't want to be here, why am I here? she wonders. She wants to turn around right now. The thought goes through her head. Panic floods through every nerve in her body. Every sensation is increased, and she could feel everything. The tall historic building towering over her, its shadows stretch out, engulfing her body. The students stare at her, while their eyes are burning holes into her body, feeling the eyes lingering just as she pasted. The footsteps echoing through the hallways. People surrounded her everywhere, yet she had never felt so alone. Doors slam, bells ring, heavy metal doors close, laughter and screams in her ears- these sounds are electrified, yet they sound distant.  Feelings of detachment and isolation flooded the encouraging thoughts. She thought of her old school, wishing she were climbing the familiar steps, and gossiping with her friends. School hasn't even started yet- reminding her that if it was bad now, it was about to get a hundred times worse. Stumbling into the room; the class was alive with energy. Suddenly everything stops as she reached for the chair to sit down. Who knew silence can be so loud. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. She suddenly the feeling of breathing became unnatural, she was suffocating. The room gets smaller and smaller. she regain her breath and sat down. she tried to block her emotions, but the quieter she became the louder the demons within screamed, desperately she shrivelled back inside her shell and wished- wished that she had never come to this school. She wished she wasn't here. She was watched like a caged animal on show at a carnival. Everyone is examining her with judgmental minds. She felt she was here simply for their enjoyment.
The class period passes as a blur. she could not concentrate.

"Hi Jade right?" Russet golden walnut waves etched down to a girls chest as her raptured- blue eyes darted to Jades gaze, the girls face captivated the artificial sweetness of the sunset.

"Yeah, what's your name?" Jade asked anxiously.

"I'm Rebecca and this is Felicia." Butterscotch embers shone through coils of hair bouncy as she walked, her eyes vivid green dancing lightly with her sweeping eyelashes, with a sculptured figure.

"Hi I'm Felicia we have maths together!" her voice sickly soft with confidence running through.

"Oh yeah I remember you." jade placed the face with her name.

"HEY!" A short girl with a waterfall of thick black hair-the black that blends with colour of spilled ink, ran over to her friends.

"Angela meet Jade." Rebecca said introducing each other.

"Hi are you new?" Her smouldering chestnut eyes were like pointed jewels .

"No she's been here since year seven!" Rebecca stated sarcastically.


"I'm joking Angela" Rebecca laughed, Jade's eyes started to water as she came to realise how much she'd miss her old friends.

"Oh my god are you alright?" Angela's face swept into a concerning look, but before anyone could comfort her she ran. She didn't now where but she needed to calm her emotions.
* * * * *
Jade hid behind a the back of the school crying, sobbing trying to restrain her tears. The silence was comforting she enjoyed the emptiness, she enjoyed no judgement. The shadows moved.

"Hello?" she wiped her tears searching for the unidentified movement. A face moved into the light.

A face had mostly been hidden by his glasses, but I could almost feel his cold breath as stepped closer. Slowly, he followed me. When I glanced back, he smiled at me, his smile letting me see his every expression, as if there was an entire street separating us. His smile reeked of a manufactured happiness.


"Blondie?" The boy from the park, There was no denying that he was handsome. His sleek brown hair, strong jaw eyes that seemed to make every girl melt right under his stare. The joint blazing in his mouth silently sitting.

But there was something about him that could make you uneasy if you looked at him too long. His piercing stare could be dark and cold and his self assured grin, his manner of walking, the way he talked; it all showed clearly that he was no man to be tempted with. That there was something under the surface, something dark and powerful. Something to be afraid of.  He was alone. Isolated from the crowd of student-formed cliques and groups. Dried tears cracking his skin.

"Are you crying?" he asked.

"Who wants to know?" She smugly said.

"Me, don't be surprised there is some good in this world." his voice deepened as if he had been crying.

"Have you been crying?" Jade wondered.

"No I'm smoking are you blind?"

"I just thought-"

"Well you thought wrong, we are not friends okay so please stop stalking me!" He bluntly stated walking off.

"Don't flatter yourself!" She said, once again becoming lost in an emotional abyss of darkness.

"Hey cheer up, he's a tough shell- actually a bit of a loner!"  Said a boy with cheeks chiseled like a finely-carved Michelangelo statue. His nose perfectly symmetrical, His lips slightly full: the kind that end in a cute little smirk at the corners. The rays of sun highlight the dimples in his cheeks and chin. smiled at jade flashing his pearly white canines.

"Yeah I gathered!"  He smiled again. His slightly tanned skin blended with his sandy blond hair. Loose strands of hair perfectly framed his oval shaped head. Wide green eyes brought out his natural beauty, and she couldn't help but stare. His thick light eyebrows showed content, but friendly at the same time.

"I'm David, and you are?" He pulled out a joint and placed it in his lips and gently lit it.

"I'm Jade, I just started." He smirked.

"I know I'd remember a face as beautiful as yours!" He leaned closer to her.

"Is that weed?"

"Yeah the finest, do you want some?- you look like you need to take a break?" he handed the joint over and placed into her hand.

"I guess there's a first time for everything!" He turned wide eyed.

"This is your first time?"

"Yeah I didn't really get into that stuff in Australia." She slowly inhaled the fumes, squinting and squirming at first but then slowly letting the drug seep into her body.

"An Aussie chick I knew there was something different about you!"

"Different?" she wondered.

"You know special!" he shyly stated.


"Well theres a party at my house on saturday at 9 you should come!" He wrote his number on the back of her hand.

"I'll see..."

"Well I hope you can make it!" he chuckled. "Maybe I could take your virginity?"


"I was kidding-I mean't your partying virginity!" He laughed.

"You're an Idiot!"

"So you're a virgin?"

"Okay you're a massive idiot!"

    * * * * * * *
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