Chapter 5- Wet dream

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"Jade look at me," she took at breath as she behold all of Hayden's features, "we are not going to mope around anymore like sad gits- we are going to have fun!" He wiped the tears that grazed her cheek and deeply smiled with compassion and understanding.

"What are we going to d..." He edged his hand toward hers ever so quickly, until she felt his fingertips brush her hand. She unfurled her fingers and let his slip around hers until she could feel the heat of his palm pressed against her own, he pulled her along, as high spirits sliced away at the guilt np building up inside her.

"Sunnies where are we..."

"You can call me Hayden!"

"Right I forgot!" She giggled.

They sauntered through a natural avenue of trees, it is shady, dark and cool almost cold. As they came to the end of the trees it opened up into a lake. The air is warmer, the sounds of insects are almost too loud. The lake seems like a black void, the sun bouncing off its surface.

"Wow!" The Midnight blue water reflected the sky, as the clouds pass by, vibrant green grass sits along the border occupied by daisies with moonlight-pale petals and a speckle of yellow in the middle. The whole surface make a gentle, waving notion as the breeze passes by.
A 'plopping' sound as a fish breaks the surface and ripples widening out. They were at the edge of the lake now, the pebbles under foot, crunch, a moorhen is disturbed and runs off along the banking, distracting you from it's nest. The smell, of water and 'ozone', warmth and living. She lay down on the edge of the water and peer into its depths, you only see pond weed and small insects at first. As they remained still, layers of water somehow become apparent, the open light layer with minnows darting about, the next darker layer, a large carp is sitting, watching her as she watch him. Then the dark bottom of the pond, the brown silt moving with life.
The dragonflies catch their attention, landing on a bullrush nearby, jade lifted her gaze for a moment to see them in their metallic blue finery.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Hayden watched Jade adore the serenity of the scene and appreciate the majestic beauty.

"You can say that again!- I didn't even know this was here?"

"Not a lot of people do!" He smiled looking profoundly examining jades features, " your so beautiful" he muttered under his breath.

"Pardon?" She asked not catching what he said.

"Nothing!-joint?" He offered Jade a joint.

"Set me!' His smirked widened.

"You smoke?"

"Evidently!" She lit the joint Inhaling deeply, "Sooo... I've been meaning to ask how you ended up in my bed and me topless?"

"Oh right... We didn't have... You know..." She nodded encouraging him to carry on, "well you and I were drunk and after I took you home you offer me to stay, so I did. not long after you passed out... So I had to you carry up too your bed. When I finally tucked you in you woke up and pulled me into the bed and encourage me to stay with you."

"Jesus I'm so sorry!" Ashamedly she turned from his gaze.

"Don't be, I get it it's your time being you know... Drunk!"

"Yeah thanks... But one thing doesn't add up!"

"And that would be?"

"Why was I topless?"

"I have no fucking clue babe!"

"Don't call me babe!" she sniggered playfully hitting his arm.

"Why not BABE!" He teased mocking her.

"I don't know it's just makes me cringe!"

"Okay I'll be nice- Babe or Blondie?"

"Stop seriously!" She laughed.

"BABE! BABE! BABE!" He shouted.

"You remind me of my dad!" Shelaughed attending to not snort.
'Oh kinky!" His smirked widened, "I prefer Daddy over Sunnies or Hayden everyday!"
"Shut up!" She splash him with water, and competitively he splashed her back laughing.
"Oh it's on like donkey fucking kong?" She chanted drenching him, while he ran up behind her and tickled her sides.
"STOP! STOP! HAYDEN!" She cried in laughter.
"That's not my name!" He continued to tickle her.
"SUNNIES PLEASE!" She begged.
"Still not what I'm looking for!" He laughed.
"FINE...D...D...DICKFACE!" She threw him into the lake.
"BABE! You got me wet again!" He sniggered.
"I've got you wet before?" She smiled wickedly.
"Shut up Blondie, and help me out!" He reached his hand out and she grabbed it, but before she could pull him out, Hayden had pulled her in.
"Now we're both wet!"
"I hate you!" She whispered.
"Nah... You love me!" He stated, " Oh my fucking God!"
"What- what's wrong?"
"Your top!" He pointed and her top was white, so it had now become completely transparent, he pulled her closer wrapping his hands around her waist.
It was gentle, but captivating, a mixture of sweet beer and salty ocean water. Mesmerized lips press together time after time, transporting them to another world. Ragged breathing and dancing tongues bring a fiery heat to the cold ocean air. With just the two of the there, the rest of the world disappears.

Desire ignites the world around them as them become lost in a sea of lust and love. It was a spicy, powerful combination that sends waves of passion crashing over them. The rest of the world is engulfed in their lustful burning flames as their kisses grows more urgent; rushes.

As their lips pulled apart, a gentle breeze flutters over the flame extinguishing the desperate heat. Their breathing comes out in short, desperate gasps. The intensity has washed away. The rest of the world is slowly coming back into focus.She tensed her muscles and pulled her hand away from his. He balled his fist and shoved his hand in his pocket, but he couldn't replace her warmth.

"I should go!" Hayden looked away from Jade trying to avoid eye contact.


"Because... I have to go!" He bluntly stated.

"but please Hayden?" He didn't respond. "Sunnies?" He pulled himself out the water and picked up his phone.
"Daddy?" She shyly asked, he turned to her "look this was fun-it was like a dream but I need to get to reality babe!" He sighed.

"What do you mean?" Her face scrunched up in confusion.

"I have to get to work okay!"

"You work"

"Yes!" He kissed her on the cheek and strode off into the trees.

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