I go back in the nurses office and see Alec standing in the corner like he wanted to leave.

I roll my eyes and lead him to the table-like bed. I push him down so that he sits cause I know he wouldn't do it if I told him to.

"Well today just isn't your day is it?" I chuckle.

I avoid contact and go get materials I need out of the drawers.

"What are you doing?" Alec asked.

"I guess I'm playing nurse since the nurse isn't here to help you," I said squatting to check the bottom cabinet for bandages.

I find them and I look over my shoulder to see Alec looking at something other then my face.

"Hey my eyes are over here buddy," I said while snapping my fingers.

"Naw this view is better," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and stand up again. "And buddy? Ouch."

I walk to him and stand between his legs. "You'll get over it," I say with a big fake smile.

I start cleaning his hand.

"Talk about a bad day I was avoided, tricked into kissing a locker, got into a fight, and almost broke my hand again," he chuckled. His little rant made me giggle.

Then my eyes widen in realization," Wait! You got in a fight?"

"Oh yeah, you were too busy avoiding me to know," he said looking directly into my eyes.

I looked down at my feet," who did you fight?"

"Blake Micheals," he muttered.

"What! Why did you fight Blake?" I yelled with my jaw dropped.

"He was talking about you and it was very disrespectful, and nobody should talk about a beautiful woman like that, soprattutto la mia donna," he smiled at me.
(Translation: especially my woman)

Alec's POV
(Flashback to Lunch)

I walk into the lunch room and sit next to Daniel and Chris at our normal table. Usually I sit next to Kassy but she sat at a different table next to Tyler. I stare at her as she eats her pasta. Then she shifts uncomfortably under my gaze.

I feel bad for making her uncomfortable so I get up and leave. I walk into the hall to get money for lunch cause I need to get my mind off of Kassy.

I walk into the hall and hear arguing. I look around the corner and see Justin and Daniel arguing. Justin is crying.

Woah screw this drama........

I quickly turn around and go to my locker and get my money.

I go back into the lunchroom.

"Yeah Kassy has a nice ass! She was a moanig mess and was screaming my name all night," Blake says fist bumping all of his punk friends.

"And may I ask when you 'banged' Kassy?" I narrowed my eyes pulling up a chair.

"Last Friday," he smirked.

"Oh really, what I remember is all of us going to the drag race then her binge watching with Cleo till the morning. In what part of that was she screaming your name," I smirk.

He gives me a deadly glare and punches me.

I tackle him and start throwing punch after punch.

We were finally pulled apart and I only had a cut on my eyebrow while he was purple and blue.

Kassy's POV

After he finished telling his story I hug him. It was so sweet.

I grab his hand again and continue cleaning.

"That was really sweet by the way," I say staring at him through my eyelashes with a smile.

"It was the least I can do," he smile back with the same emotion in his eye from earlier. The emotion that is a mystery to me.

I look back down to his hand and start wrapping it. I finished.

"Is your boo boo better," I cooed.

"No can you kiss it?" He asked like a 5 year old.

I laugh then give him a kiss on his hand.

"Better?" I ask.

"No I have another boo boo,"he said.

"Where?" I chuckled.

"Right here," he said pointing to his lips.

I start leaning in and he does the same. Finally when our lips are about to connect I turn his jaw with my hand and kiss his cheek.

He pouted," that's not nice!"

"Life isn't fair, and I see you have a cut on your eyebrow let me fix it," I smile turning around to get a Band-Aid, Neosporin, and a Q-tip.

I come back and stand in between his legs again. I put Neosporin on the Q-tip and rub it on the cut.

As I'm doing that Alec puts his hands on my hips. My cheeks heat up and I continue putting on a Band-Aid.

"All done," I say kissing his eyebrow then smile at him.

"I've gotta get back to class and walk you to yours," I say helping him off of the bed.


TA-DA!!!! No cliffhanger as I promised.
Love ya,

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