Chapter 11- Lovebite-bites the dust

Start from the beginning

"Miss Hughes! Miss Hughes!" A petite women called, Jade rose to her feet walking gracefully over to the lady, Hayden trailing behind.

"That's me!" She answer shaking the women's hand.

"He's ready to see you now!" Jade nodded pulling Hayden along as he reluctantly gave in. It was somber, dark, dim lit, gadgets & equipment in symphony of sounds- buzzing, clicking, air whistling, he lain on the bed, unresponsive, wrapped in bandages from head to toe, only his closed eyes were exposed, tubes coming out of his mouth nose.

"Oh my god!" She whispered quietly, a cry running down her face, Hayden's hand left as he sat in a chair in the corner of the room texting rapidly.

"I'm so sorry David!" She kissed his cast.

" was my fault!-don't blame yourself it's the last thing I want!" He placed his hand in hers.

"Maybe we can be friends?"

"And work towards something more?" He suggested hopefully.

"Ermm... I'm sorry David!-I have a boyfriend!" She said quietly.

"Who?" He asked doubtfully.

"Hayden-Hayden Mort!" She turned away.

A blasting industrial ringtone filled the room.

"I'm sorry is better take this!" Hayden said answering his phone walking out.

"Hayden?" She nodded "you brought him here?- how could you?" His voice echoed in a strained manner.

"I'm sorry but he wouldn't take know for answer!"

"HAYDEN!-after everything I've been through you bring that fucking rat!" He sat up, jades tears flowed suddenly.

"What's going on?" Hayden rushed into to the room still on the phone.


"David i'...."

"GET OUT!" He shouted, Hayden placed the phone on the bedside table pulling Jade away.

"I'm sorry!" Jade whispered choking on her tears.

David lay his heart palpitating-coursing through his chest aggressively an aching pain rising.
He stared up at the ceiling searching the nooks and crannies for an explanation for why such a caring person would be so inconsiderate. How could someone be so insensitive. He tried to compose himself, his sadness was a hollowness. He couldn't tell you what's worse. Sometimes his hollowness is a shell, holding in a thousand oceans of tears. Sometimes though, it holds a thousand pieces of glass that are wedged in between his soul and body. That's the pain. Sometimes though, like when He first kissed her, kissing that beautiful girl he tasted something like rotten fruit. He had kept his eyes open so all he could see was freckles. Or when his cat died and He didn't cry. He just stood there. Or when everybody laughed and He couldn't bring himself to do it. That's the scariest thing. Sometimes He was somebody, somebody in pain and sadness. But sometimes He is nobody, and He didn't seem to feel. He doesn't seem to exist at all.

The similar cheesy ringtone echoed reminding David of Hayden.
David turned to switch off the phone realising he beheld Hayden's phone, he swipe to answer.

"Finally sorry the phone call cut off, so when would you like to schedule?" The man asked.

"I'm sorry what appointment?" David's asked impersonating Hayden.

* * * * *

There Hayden was, his arms caged either side of jades petit body, his muscles bulged from underneath his shirt. As he broke away from her now swollen red lips, his blue eyes met her deep turquoise ones as he began to gently kiss down her neck, she tilted her head further to the side allowing easier access, sucking her skin leaving a trail of a love bite where he kissed. Soft moans left her plump lips as his hands trailed all over her body touching the forbidden areas, as he slowly began to remove her dress teasing her.
His lips trailed light kisses everywhere that his hands touched. He unbuttoned his shirt pulling it off allowing his defined abs to be seen. She reached to the back of his neck pulling at his hair, flipping them over so that she was on top of his toned body. She began to kiss down his abs licking and biting exciting moans from his lips, his hands squeezed her sides as hers trailed just onto his jeans lightly brushing. He flipped them back over kissing her hard, biting her lip.

"Stop!" He pulled away. The sudden boom of heat clouded his body sweat dripping off his chest.

"What's wrong?-don't you want to do this?" She asked hurt.

"I do Jade!- there's something I'm not telling you..." His breath quickened.

"You can tell me anything Hayden!" She reassured.

"I will tell you I promise!- but not now-not like this!" He said sincerely.

"Well when then?" She asked.

"Tomorrow morning!" He said anxiously, "have you seen my phone?"

"Not since the hospital!" She said.

"Oh for fuck sake, I left it there!- I'll be back I promise!" He kissed her on the cheek setting off into the night.

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