Age:20 years old


Personality:dorky, cute,kid

Nicknames: midget, taetae, byunTae, taengoo

Looks(before having powers) :baby face, petite, has really white skin.has chin dimple,dark brown hair, dark brown eyes,long eyelashes, eyeglasses, chubby cheeks, nice nose, sharp jaw, and luscious lips.

Looks (After transformation) :have 6 pack abs, muscular built,taller [well taller than fany],Have blue short hair , blue eyes, turn into a man 

Ability: fly, telekinetic,invisibility ,very fast healing

Secret personality: scary, Byuntae,

She is cousin of Amber, dork and cute, sometimes scary, she likes to color and likes to solve puzzles like Amber, she love Dookoongs,

Kwon Yuri of snsd
Kwon Yuri Liu(or Agent Blackpearl)

Kwon Yuri of snsdAsKwon Yuri Liu(or Agent Blackpearl)

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Age:19 years old


Personality:dork,prankster, calm,lovable,

Nicknames: Yul, kkabyul, byunyul, Seobang ,cola, beanpole, blackpearl

Looks(before transformation) :tall, dark, have big glasses like taeyeon ,black hair,long eyelashes, dark brown eyes, sharp jaw line, nice nose, pinkish lips

Looks(after transformation):have nice body(8pack abs) ,muscular,short green hair,green eyes, turn into a guy.

Ability: fly, electricity, very fast healing,can hear any sound from far away

Secret personality : scary, byuntae, energetic.

-nerdy girl who is a prankster, she loves to prank her little sister amber and her cousin Taeyeon with her cousin Yoona, they always prank their friends including Sooyoung, they are nickname to be the YoonYul couple, the dangerous couple. She love Mickey mouse.

Im Yoona of snsd
Kim Yoona Liu (or Agent Alligator)

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