3rd Week Of School

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Prove It
Tuesday, soccer practice:
The weekend and Monday were fun days. Mr. Cade and I haven't gone up to the roof again and probably won't ever. We'll just stick to his back closet. Austin and I have been talking a lot. Over the weekend we face timed each other for over four hours both days. On Monday he asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted it.

I wasn't going to come to practices anymore because it's really boring and there aren't a lot of cute guys. But I came today since Austin begged me to.

"Hey babe." Austin greets me as I get to the field. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I face him to kiss him. I left without Mr. Cade because I knew that I was going to kiss him and I didn't want to hurt his feelings. But I told Mr. Cade that we should come out at different times so it wouldn't be suspicious. I wouldn't call it a lie because it really would be suspicious but there also was another reason I wanted to leave separately.

"Why did you want me to come to practice?" I ask him.

"Two reasons. The first reason is that I wanted to tell you that after this we are going on a date."

"Where?" I giggle.


"Oh my gosh that's my favorite restaurant! How'd you know?" I hug him.

"You told me the other day. I wanted to surprise you!" He laughs and we kiss.

"Thank you." I peck his lips again. "What was the other reason you wanted me here?"

"I wanted to show off my skills." I shake my head and jokingly tell him to stop. "But we're going to wait for Cade." As we wait around for Mr. Cade I talk to Austin and his friends.

Mr. Cade comes up and I walk over to him and help him place things down. I hear Austin shout "You ready Jocelyn?" and Mr. Cade and I turn our heads to face him. Then he shouts again "Crossbar challenge." and kicks the soccer ball and it hits the metal bar at the top. And then the rest of the team takes turns and starts to do the same.

"Why was he so excited for that?" I whisper as I lean closer to Mr. Cade and he laughs.

"It's a trick shot, and he did very good at it." Mr. Cade seems impressed.

"Can you do that?"

"Of course I can." He takes his eyes off the boys for the first time since they began their challenge thing.

"I don't believe you. Prove it." I tell him and he stands up with out a word, he takes his ball and kicks it. It hits the top of goal and he jokingly starts to act all cocky while the team surrounds him and starts to yell incomprehensible remarks and some start to high five him.

"Cade you still have it!" Austin shouts.

"They don't let me coach varsity for nothing." He says, still acting cocky. He walks back over to me and I start clapping.

"Nice! Still don't understand why it's such a big deal though. Looks pretty easy." I say truthfully and he looks offended.

"If you think it's so easy than try it yourself."

"Try? Don't you mean do?" I start to walk off to near the goal. Maybe Mr. Cade pretends to be cocky, but I really am. "Austin, can I have your ball?" I ask Austin and all of his team mates start laughing and mocking me going "Yeah Austin, give her your balls."

"You all are so immature, your like seniors. Get over yourself." I mumble but some people still heard me and they go "Ohhhh." and start jumping around on each other like animals. Austin puts the ball down in the correct place.

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