Ninth Day + Tenth Day

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This is a big announcement! Usually each chapter is supposed to be a day but instead I think I will include more than day into a chapter and will stop doing weekends unless they are needed. Which they will be at some points. Sometimes I will be putting a full week into a chapter. This will make chapters easier/ quicker to write and it also will insure that the book isn't dragged on since you have to read every day of Jocelyn's life. Also it'll help get to the point of the book faster. Thanks for reading! Also I have no idea anything about high school boys soccer teams so let's just pretend it's accurate. xox
Word count: 2.5k
I roll over and look at my clock. It reads seven ten am. I can't believe I woke up this early on a weekend. I decide to go on my phone and right when I turns on I see the date on the lock screen. It's Thursday! I'm going to be late! I usually leave at this time to go to school.

I grab the first things I see and bring my makeup bag with me into the car.

"Good morning Miss Jocelyn." Angelo greets me.

"Hey, how was your trip?" I say out of breath because I just ran around in my bedroom trying to get ready.

"It was good! I haven't seen my family in a while. Are you okay?" He asks me.

"I'm okay. My alarm didn't wake me up and neither did my mom." I explain.

"That's because she is on a business trip."

"What?" Why didn't she tell me she was leaving.

"I drove her to the airport this morning."


I get out my phone and text her where she went.

J: where are you?
F: Paris. Sorry I didn't tell you. It was last minute. Robert will be staying in our house until the weekend then you will be going over to his.
J: okay

We arrive at school and I'm not that late. I go to my locker and see Blake and Scott there.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while." Blake says to me.

"Yeah sorry. I was helping Mr. Cade with some work."

"We know." Blake and Scott begin to laugh a bit.

"What's funny?"

"Mrs. Grey is always so mad when he calls her telling her that your with him. I think she wants you to move homerooms."

"He doesn't have a homeroom." I change the subject to something that doesn't have to do with him. "I'm hungry let's go get breakfast."

We go to the cafeteria and on the way there we pass Mr. Cade's English room.

"How about you go talk to your boyfriend." Blake says. As she turns to face us and point into his room she stops in her tracks. We all snap out necks and look into his room and he's not there. I look at Blake and the color is drained out of her face and she's looking behind us. I turn around and Mr. Cade is 4 feet behind us. Then I realize that Blake said her comment really loud. I notice the blush on his cheeks.

"Hi Mr. Cade." I spit out still scared.

"Hi Jocelyn. Hi friends of Jocelyn." He says and Blake and Scott wave at him. We all are so shocked so all of us have our mouths open and widen eyes. "Are you guys okay?" He laughs a little.

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