Chapter 34 - Natalis

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“Break my ass.  Nothing could be more natural than this.”  Rafi quipped and kept taking pictures.  I simply ignored her and focused on Queran’s breathing.

“Look at me, baby.  Take deep cleansing breaths.  In and out on pursed lips.  You’re doing great.  Some more, that’s my girl.  Do you want to call it a day?  I think we’ve had enough pictures, baby.  I’m taking you home.”

“Hang on, B.  Ahhh..  What is he doing in there?  Is he trying to kill me?”  She said.  I couldn’t make myself laugh at the cute comment because I know she is trying not to worry me with her smart mouth.

I swear my arm is going to bleed soon from her nails digging into my flesh.  But I would endure anything because from the looks of it she is really in a lot of pain and it breaks my heart to see her ride it out.  This is something I can’t even do for her, if I could take it all away I would.  Sometimes I think this will be multiple babies with how huge she is.  She refused to take an ultrasound and I agreed with her.  Hell I would agree to anything just to keep her happy and stress free.  Shit I am so whipped.  Night times have been difficult for her with all the kicking and the constant turning.  I cut down my shifts by working during the day and to be done by 6 pm.  During the day, I had Tanner check on her occasionally and our moms would swing by to help her out.  Weekends were the best because we get to work on the nursery.  I never realized my mate had a knack for art.  The splay of pastel colors in blue, yellow and salmon pink all complemented.  She had painted over cute stenciled patterns of butterflies and flowers, pasted on posters with kid themes and such.  The nights got more romantic as her pregnancy progresses.  Thank goodness for hormones, she would still get excited with the simplest of touch coming from me.  We are so attuned to each other that it’s phenomenal.  We learned to explore comfortable and sensual positions.  Most times we would just hold each other for hours on end and I’ve learned to give foot massages to her as a treat for all her hard work.  I know it is never easy being pregnant and I could only sympathize.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m still the bad ass alpha outside our bubble.  But I wait on her hand and foot in our home and I don’t give a fuck if I do because what she will soon go through to bear our pups could be life threatening.  I refuse to go there and give it much thought.  My Queran is strong and she will pull this off without a hitch. 

“Ok, people that’s a wrap!  Q, you are fucking amazing did you know that?  Seriously if you ever consider a career in modeling I’m the man for the job.  You hear?” Rafi said ecstatically.

I growled.  “No fucking way is she modeling in the nude.  You are lucky I relented to having this shoot.  I only wanted a photo of her in the nursery and not me in it.  I don’t know what it is about women and taking some damn pictures all the time.”

“Some things never change.  You’re still an old bear Keegan.  Q is a natural and absolutely model material.  You should be proud.”

“Of course I am.  And I am not a bear, you brat.”  I countered.

“Stop calling me that!  What are we 12?  Geez.”  Rafi rolled her eyes as she packed away her Leica.

“Stop the bantering guys.  I enjoy it but not right now.  Ahh, Uhm, let me get through this first and I’ll think about it, ok?  Gawd, I am so huge I can’t even see my feet when I’m standing.”

“It will be all over soon, baby.  I got you.”  I soothed.  The contractions seemed to wane but I was still on edge.  I have been covertly monitoring her contractions.  “I think it’s time we head home.  Thanks Rafi for doing this.  Send the bill and the proofs to me alright?”

“Don’t worry about it.  Were old friends, dude.  Let this be my post wedding gift since I missed it.”

“Awww.  Thanks brat.”  I joked.

Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book 1 of the Fate Series) - CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin