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Panicky anger suddenly flaring up, she didn't think twice as she lunged forward a step, ripping his home crystal from his grasp before he could react.

She could see her eyes glint dangerously as she stared at her faint reflection in the crystal. For the first time today, she looked at Brennus directly in the eye-ignoring her heart as it missed a beat-and gave him the most threatening expression she could muster. "You are listening to every word that I speak-and trust me when I reiterate that it's the most important piece of news I can give you. And Ailill too. It concerns you more than anyone else." She paused for a while before adding, "And if you even try to escape, trust me when I say I will confront Sophie and Fitz on my own instead, and it will not be pretty." She looked at the two of them long and hard. "So, you in?"

Brennus and Ailill exchanged a confused, but calculating glance with each other, then Ailill replied, his voice betraying his curiosity, "I'm in."

Evelina turned her piercing questioning gaze to Brennus, waiting a few long seconds before he mumbled, "Okay."

Her lips curled up slightly as she nodded in approval, casually stretching out her arm to hand Brennus back his home crystal. Brennus hesitated for a moment, then gingerly reached out to take it, his fingers accidentally brushing against Evelina's as he did so.

The two of them stiffened, their eyes meeting each other's for a split second before looking away quickly. Evelina kept her face straight, despite the loud thudding in her chest.

He was uncomfortable, that she could obviously tell-and to be honest, she was, too. She had hurt his feelings when he found out that she kissed him not because she liked him, but because of her own selfish reasons.

However now, he had accepted Evelina . . . for now. And Evelina was determined to hold on to the last, frayed strands of trust that he still had for her.

She forced her legs to move-which was no easy feat considering that her body felt like it was made of lead-and led them inside the mansion, trudging up the spiral staircase heavily as her heart filled with trepidation, its sinking beat syncing with the rhythm of her too-loud footsteps.

Normally, the elegant spiral of stairs brought Evelina a sense of calm, a sense of tranquility as she started up it-save for the times she spied on Sophie and used it as a form of hurried escape. But this wasn't any normal circumstance, and Evelina could feel every part of her fill with dread as she stole a sideways glance at Ailill.

He didn't look too good himself now-what would his reaction be when she broke the shocking news to him?

And what about Brennus?

Would he feel angry and fearful like Evelina often did-because he'd been living a lie this whole time, like her? Or would he feel disgusted because the person that he'd been so jealous of, was actually much closely related to him than he'd initially thought? Or would he scorn Fitz for cheating on Aurelia?

She shook the brooding, troubled thoughts out of her head, drawing in a deep breath to steel her nerves as the three of them climbed the last stair and walked toward Evelina's bedroom. Evelina pushed the door open, letting Brennus, Ailill, and herself file into the room before locking the door behind them twice.

The ominous sound of the click as the lock settled into place sent shivers down Evelina's spine, and she could see Ailill exchange a fearful look with Brennus-since when did the two brothers ever get so close, that they were to the point of exchanging secret glances with each other?

"Alright." Her voice held a slight tremor as she knelt down onto the floor, sliding her satchel onto the floor.

Before she could change her mind, she eased the zip open, and with trembling fingers, took out the emerald green ring box, and undid the golden clasps, revealing the aquamarine ring.

Payback's A Nightmare | ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن