Waluigi: WAAAAAH.

Shy Guy: Waluigi! What was that!?

Waluigi: Sorry, it's out of habit.

Fly Guy: It wasn't like that last season!

Waluigi: Pfft. WAA-tever.

Luigi: Weren't you guys enemies last season?

Shy Guy: Yeah, but that was only in episode 4.

Waluigi: Please. Don't remind me of that travesty.

(Screaming Fire Flowers Girl Trailer...)

Toadette: Time for a Power Alliance meeting!

Daisy: But... why?

Birdo: You're to bossy Toadette.

Rosalina: I'm afraid I must agree.

Toadette: W-What!?

Daisy: Meeting adjourned.

Toadette: Y-You can't leave my alliance! I'm fabulous! Ugh!

Daisy: Well, we just did. Bye!

Toadette: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

(Screaming Fire Flowers Boy Trailer...)

Toad: Hi.

Blooper: Bloop.


(In the Mess Tent...)

Luigi: Lakitu, it's not even Halloween! Why is there a spooky challenge?

Lakitu: Because I said so.

Boo: Pretty terrible reason.

Lakitu: Shut UP!!!

*Awkward silence*

Lakitu: E. Gadd, explain the challenge.

Blue: B-But–

Lakitu: You don't even know the challenge.

E. Gadd: In today's challenge you will hunt for ghosts in the mansion over there. *points* The ghosts are Bomb Boo, Pink Boo, Lady Bow, and King Boo. The team with the most ghosts captured wins!

Luigi: G-Ghosts!?

E. Gadd: You've done this before, Luigi.

Lakitu: Anyways, here are some vacuums and flashlights. 3, 2, 1, GO!!!

(Inside the mansion...)

Peach: Guys, I think we should–

Boo: ... and, they're gone.

Peach: Why do I even bother anymore?

Pink Boo: Hey you! You both suck!

Boo: Hey, Peach, catch her!

Peach: *catches* Gotcha!

Pink Boo: Noooooooo... *disappears*

(In the garage...)

Toad: There's Bomb Boo. *points*

Blooper: Bloo! *catches*

Toad: Yay!

(In the living room...)

Lady Bow: Oh, stop it darling!

King Boo: No, you!

Luigi: Yes, gotcha you flirting ghosts! *catches*

King Boo: Petey, avenge meeeeee... *disappears*


Mario: *punches Petey* Quickly, let's go!

(In the kitchen...)

Shy Guy: Are those Double Cherries?

Fly Guy: Yes, but like, we need to go!

(Outside the mansion...)

Lakitu: Congrats, Killer Tanooki Leaves! You win!

Birdo: OMG really?

Waluigi: YAAAAAAY!!!

Lakitu: Please go and vote a member off.

(Inside the voting booth...)

Toadette: I'm not leaving, and I overhead Blooper and Toad talking! I'm voting for– *screen goes blank*

(Voting montage is over...)

Lakitu: When I give you a GL you are safe. 

Blooper: BLOO!!!

Lakitu: Yes, Blooper. You get one, along with Toad. *throws*

Blooper: *catches*

Toad: Yay! *catches*

Lakitu: And the next 2 go to... Birdo and Daisy!

Birdo: OMG yay! *catches*

Daisy: Yessssss! *catches*

Lakitu: Rosalina and Toadette, I'm sorry, but you guys tie in a 3-3 vote.

Rosalina: But... how?

Toadette: Teehee.

Rosalina: Ugh, you!

Lakitu: Whoever can answer 1 + 1 first is eliminated!

Toadette: 2! Bye Rosalina!

Rosalina: He said whoever answers it is eliminated.

Lakitu: Yep. Toadette, you're out!

Toadette: WHAT!? This isn't fair!

Yellow: Nobody likes you.

Toadette: *gets fired away* AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Daisy: Finally.

Birdo: OMG, like, what a relief.

Lakitu: What's in store for the final 12 next time? Find out on Total Drama Mushroom Action!

Author's Note:
Sorry it took a while to update (a week maybe? I dunno). Anyways I hope you liked it!


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