Sighing loudly I finished scrubbing over, quickly drying myself with a towel I threw on my clothes. I tried to comb through my knotty, straggly blonde hair but it was no use. With an exaggerated huff I just threw it up into a messy bun.

I felt so much better, that shower really helped. Now all I needed to do was curb my anger before I accidentally set my house on fire. Smiling to myself I walked into my room, reaching for my bed I dragged it across the floor and reached for the latch on the floor. If desperate times called for desperate measure I would easily be able to fling my bed a couple of meters out of my window.

I reached down and flung the door of the secret cache open, reaching inside I pulled out a silver bow and arrows case. Smiling giddily to myself I slowly pulled my babies out of their case.

“My preciousss.” I hissed, rubbing the bow as I proceeded to giggle straight after. This was how I was going to cope with my pain, by forgetting about it. Yes. This is what I shall do.

I strapped my quiver to my back, hearing the metal against metal sent a feverish delight running throughout my body. I was luckily able to get my wings out, my quiver not in the way of them as it strapped right in the middle where my wings formed a v. I grabbed my bow and proceeded to walk out my house.

Climbing down the stairs, I hopped down onto the ground. Looking up I noticed that the sky was slowly turning black. I smiled and continued walking out into the woods. My mind travelled back to the days when my brother- Trenton- we would go out into the woods with my father and he would teach us how to use various weapons. I would always question why he would want us to that; I was a little girl after all. All I wanted to do was play with my toys and frolic around with the animals. I’m grateful that my father taught me all these things, without it I would surely be dead.

I remember my brother used to run in front of me, pushing me behind him so he could reach the forest first. The day my father put a bow and arrow in my hand was the day that I realised it was my favourite weapon. My brother was absolutely useless at archery, I however, had made it my mission to master it.

I could hear the soft whisperings of the trees as the wind rustled through it, the cold wind blew over my skin, pushing the stray tendrils of my hair backwards. I looked around and found myself in a clearing. I allowed my wings to protrude from my back as I flapped them loudly, looking around my senses on high alert, I sniffed through the air. Nothing was out of place, thank God. Smiling to myself, I reached back for an arrow. I pulled the arrow out, my fingers trailing over the silver head. This arrow was infused with magic, meaning that when I shot it and it hit my target it would appear right back in my quiver. I notched my arrow and took a deep breath. I slowly let all my problems ebb away as I took my stance; breathing in deep I locked my eyes with my target. Around 50 metres away I could see a notch in the tree.

I flexed my fingers and I allowed my electricity to flow through them. I could hear the light crack and sizzle as the electricity moved forward, in spider web like tendrils, connecting itself to my arrow. I grinned widely before pulling my arrow back, locking my eyes on my target and releasing. I let out the breath I had been holding and watched as the arrow soared through the air, a blue comet tail trailing in its wake. It hit the target, bulls eye. The tree cracked, a long squiggly line rearing down and up it. I waited a few seconds, thinking of my arrow and I watched as it disintegrated and I felt the weight of it in my quiver

I continued practicing allowing my anger to flow through me. I practiced till the moon was shining and the crickets started to chirp. I listened to the animals as they sang their sweet melodies, it was a beautiful chorus. By the time I was done practicing my body ached, my shoulders heaved up and down as I tried to catch my breath. I had run around the clearing, shooting from different angles and heights. I felt satisfied with my days work.

A part of me wondered if I should go away, leave this town and start somewhere anew. It was an appealing thought but I don’t know what it was, but something was keeping me tethered to this little town. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. My mind was at rest; all the problems with Dante and the group had been pushed to the back of my mind. My mind was cleared and I felt alert, if not slightly fatigued. I carefully pulled out each of my arrows, waving my hand over it, infusing more magic into it. Placing all my arrows back I began to walk back towards my house.



I yawned loudly, stretching out languidly and making a noise akin to that of a dying whale I rolled out of bed. I walked past my mirror, fluffing out my blonde hair with my hand. Yesterday’s problems were still at the back of mind, pestering me. I merely shoved them back down, refusing to give in.

I went to my bathroom, brushing my hair and my teeth. I stared up at my reflection, my blue eyes slightly lighter. My eyes were slightly squinted, my lips dainty but full. I fluffed my hair again? Was there something wrong with me? Is that why he didn’t like me? Stop it Ava! I scolded myself, I was beginning to act like a typical teenage girl. I seriously need to fucking stop this nonsense. I sighed loudly, rubbing a hand over my face.

I wanted to go out into town today, just to walk around, gather some money and buy some groceries. A part of me wanted to be normal, a small part wanted to actually be human, to you know act like a human. My life would be so much easier then. I was thinking of going back to school tomorrow. I liked learning, just like my father.

I walked out of my bathroom but then I stopped dead in my tracks. My eyes widened and I gripped onto the doorframe. Why do I smell bacon coming from my kitchen? My wings sprung out from their confines and my eyes took on their light tone. My senses sharpened and I walked cautiously towards the kitchen. I could feel myself getting angrier as the electricity flowed throughout my body.  The hair on the back of my neck prickled. I didn’t like this feeling.

I stopped coming close to the kitchen as I saw the intruder. My eyes widened and a small gasp left my lips. Fuck.


Meet my friend hanger...cliff hanger. Hahaha hope you guys enjoyed this filler chapter, I rather enjoyed writing it. It was chilled and I loved it! Thank you reading! Thanks fruitloop :p


Finding Angels Wings|Discontinued|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ