The OutCasts book1: Mirror Mirror.

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Prologue: Congrats on finding this book and my friends and I just want to warn you this first,after you read this part of the book and go on to the first chapter,you end up starting you're own story and you need to be careful or the results aren't really well exciting((ok Jack just almost froze me and he wants me to go on I'm wasting time))ok anyway,I am Nikki,Nikki Robinson,and meet a few of my team mates aka my friends,Jack Frost,Jack Skelton,Merida,Rapunzel,Guy,Eep,Hiccup,and Jack Spicer,I would introduce the others but they are keeping watch,anyway...we are really we are outcast in our own worlds,and universes,or times but we actually were destined to meet each other and become a team,and most of us think it was the worst idea ever because we are confused and scared at the same time yet we are still going strong and if you feel the same way right now and you don't want to go on to the next chapter then I suggest you might want to stop right here,close the book and put it down and act like you haven't seem this book before but if you want to go on then go ahead but we warned you for your own safety. Be safe and remember this...outcasts always stay together....if it doesn't make since it will later I'm sure....ok time to go later.- The OutCasts.

The OutCasts book1: Mirror Mirror.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora