"Mia... that's not true. This is all still new to you, that's all." She whispered swiping the hair from my face as she cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look at her. "Deep down they know that... once your fully and officially mated to them all this nervousness and insecurity will just melt away." She promised, trying to sound as confident as she was projecting.

Wanting to believe her, I nodded my head as I reached up to wipe away the tears streaking down my red, swollen cheeks. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself. Smiling Becca pulled me back into her arms, just as her words finally settled over my frazzled, confused brain.

"What did you mean... once I'm fully and officially mated to them?" mumbling the question into her hair, she instantly tensed and slightly tightened her grip around my shoulders. "What does that mean? I thought I was already their mate."

"Mia..." Becca whimpered, realizing that she revealed too much.

"Becca please... just be honest with me." pulling out of her arms, staring into her guilt filled eyes. "Please." Pleading for an explanation, some answers, a little honesty. I was tired of constantly being in the dark when it came to the twins and their supernatural world.

"They are so going to kill me." she mumbled with a defeated sigh, hanging her head. "You are going to want to sit down for this." Huffing out a breath as she took a seat on my bed, patting the spot next to her.

Biting my lip, building the courage to hear what she had to say, I hesitantly sat down next to her and turned to face her grim expression as she gulped nervously, eying me just as scared to tell me this new information as I was to hear it.

"Okay." Letting out a deep breath, grabbing her hand for support and to give her encouragement to defy the twins, her Alphas and tell me what I was going to have to face or come to terms with, now.

"Tonight after... the ceremony to send Ms. Caroline back to nature... they have to mark you as theirs... as they have consummate their bond with you." She grimaced, furrowing her brow at me. "It seals the bond, making you their mate... and the pack's new Luna."

"Mark me?" shaking my head, I understand what consummate meant, but I couldn't comprehend what she meant by marked as theirs. Marked how?

"Well... in our world... when a male marks his mate... it means... to... bite her." She mumbled out, cringing at having to be the one to fill me in on the intimate details of the event.

"What?" staring at her in complete shock, praying that I heard her wrong. "As... their wolves... they do this?" Not sure how or if I could bring myself to let them do that as their wolves, terror was ripping through my body at the thought of seeing them in those menacing forms, let alone letting them bite me.

"NO... no... they don't fully turn. It's just the fangs... that are needed." Trying to reassure me, as I absentmindedly nodded my head. Remembering the few times I've seen them with their fangs bared. Processing the fact that I've only ever saw them when they were extremely pissed off, in a full on rage.

"They have to bit me... and we have to be... together intimately for this to work?" staring at her, petrified and confused. "They both have to take turns doing that?" horrified that I would have to go through that whole process twice.

"No." she whimpered, tightening her grip on my sweaty, shaking hands. Looking up into her eyes, I waited for her to explain. "Since their twins... and both are your mate... they would have to do it at the same time... everything happens... at the same time. The whole thing." She cringed, watching me as the information sunk in to my fuddled brain. "It's so neither gets jealous or possessive over you... since you belong to both of them."

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