Chapter Two.

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* Louise's POV *

She hadn't seen Dan in a month or two, and it was starting to get to her. Maybe she needed him more then he needed her. Of course, he had Phil now.

"Of course, I was just a filler until he found himself someone he could love."

She knew that wasn't true, Dan was cold hearted, he wasn't mean, and he wasn't rude, though sometimes he was without knowing it. But her mind kept shouting at her heart, and it shouted right back. 

"Dan left you for him."

"You knew this was going to happen eventually, he's a grown man."

"He doesn't love you anymore."

"He still cares for you, but he's got someone new in his life." 

And she shouted right back at them, making them both shut up. She needed to think with a clear mind, and an unattached heart. Yes, Dan was a grown man, and he had his own life, Louise for sure did not own him. But for him to just ditch her like that at the event, to go home with Phil the day that they met. Having to have Chris drive her home because Dan had her tube card in his wallet. It was all becoming a bit much for Louise, and quite frankly, she just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

"Louise? Louise please open the door!"

She snapped out of her state of self pity to hear a familiar voice, and it took her a moment to pin point who's it was, but when she did, she gave an excited gasp, sped for the door, and swung it up to reveal one of her others closet friends, Zoe.

"Zoe! I didn't know you where coming by."

Her blue eyes watched Louise with a bit of concern.

"I left several messages on your phone, and that's when I became worried. You always answer, so I came right over, I was about to use the spare key you gave me."

Her phone. She'd left it somewhere else, she couldn't even be bothered to look at it anymore, she had tried calling and texting Dan, but he never replied, and it hurt her, so she stopped looking altogether.

"Oh yes, silly me, I must have misplaced that darn device, but please, do come in Zoe, I'm happy to have some company. Haven't had some in awhile."

As she stepped in, allowing Louise to close the door and lock it, alarm blared in her eyes.

"What about Dan? He practically lives over here when he's not at his own flat." 

She sighed, rubbing her hands together, and looking elsewhere. 

"Do you want some tea? You must be thirsty after traveling that much in a single day, come on chum, I have got some brewed in my kitchen."

Ignoring the way she glared at her for dodging the question, she briskly walked past her, and into the kitchen, getting out two cups. She got out Zoe's favorite, the one she always chose when over here.

"Louise, did you two have a fight or something? Your not acting like your usual Louise self today, and to be frank, it's quite worrying, please do tell me what's wrong." 

She'd just begun to pour into the second cup, handing the first to Zoe as she continued, being quite good at multitasking. 

"No, we didn't have a fight. You know we rarely do. He's just a little busy and preoccupied these days, you know?"

She set down the kettle and picked up her cup, dipping the tea wand, or at least that's what she's always called it, into the boiling water, taking a sip after a moment.

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