Chapter One.

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* Louise's POV *

"Do you think I look dumb?"

She sighed as she heard the nervous tone in his voice. They'd been at this for almost 2 hours, and quite frankly, she was sick of it, but far to polite to just say it.

"Dan, I keep telling you, you look fine, you'll be fine, it's fine. Now let's go before we're late. I swear, you are secretly a girl with how long it takes you to decide."

He only scoffed, but she knew it was in good humor, rolling his eyes and fluffing his hair once more.

"I swear to bloody hell, Dan, you fix your hair one more time, and I'm cutting it."

She grabbed onto his arm before he could protest, argue, or whine, knowing that she was a bit stronger then him, or at least let her be, and began to drag him out the door of his flat.

"The event starts in 20 minutes, and if we leave now, we'll just make it." 

He huffed, his nostrils flaring at her impatience, but soon a smile took over his features. It was only Louise, and he knew enough by now that this was how she always acted, and he usually went along with it. 

"Can I at least lock my front door so no burglars can get inside?"

She huffed herself and released him, tapping her foot impatiently on the floor, crossing her arms over her chest as she gave him a nod.

"Yes, but make it snappy. I didn't spend a whole day making these flower crowns for us, just for them to go to waste, hurry your bum!"

He snickered softly, locking the door and checking it twice.

"You know I told you that you didn't have to do that. But who refused to by store bought ones?"

He gasped and turned her head away.

"They are fake, plastic, and poke my head. Now stop arguing with me, you know you'll lose, and just come on before I leave without you."

He calmly made his way over to her, offering her his arm, to which she gladly took, and began to drag him again. Typical Louise.  

Before to long, they were at the station, and in the tube before anything else could happen and stop them up. Of course they sat together, no matter how squished they were, though Dan usually sat near the end so it was just a metal barrier and Louise, but this time, there was guy on the other side of him.

"Louise, could we trade spots?"

He whispered, seeing as she was on the end this time. She looked up, looked at the man next to him, and grinned. She grinned that little Cheshire cat grin. 

"But why Daniel? I see an opportunity, and he's sitting right next to you."

He took another look towards the man next to him, Louise squealing softly. But all went silent when the other turned his head, his brown hair moving with the motion, and piercing them both with an forest green stare, despite them being pale.

"Oh hello!"

Louise wasn't very frightened, in fact, this was usually how she made tube time buddies, and how she passed the time.

"My name is Louise, and this handsome fella -"

She put her hands on both of his arms, restricting his movement, as he was nervous and tended to twitch when nervous, and grinned brightly.

"- is Daniel. It's so nice to meet you!"

She was a bit upset when she didn't get a response at first, seeing as he was observing the two, and then the brightest grin crossed his lips.

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