You're Gonna Catch A Cold

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So, I saw this YouTube comment on the song Jar Of Herts by Christina Perrie. You know how she sings, 'Who do you think you are? Running around leaving scars?' Well here's what the comment said;

'so who do you think you are? running round leaving scars... ' Harry singing to Voldemort

If you watch Harry Potter you'll get it. It was halarious. That user was Angie Bolton.

Dedicated to _AlexisInWonderland_ becuase she's amazing


Anywhore, enjoy.

Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter.

Rain. When I was a young girl, I was told whenever it rained, someone, somewhere, has died. Someone's ray of sunshine has died. And I guess when you died, you're no longer a ray of sunshine and so you're replaced with rain.

But if' that's the case, why do people kiss in the rain. Isn't it kind of mockery to someone who has just died? While they get the fairytale kiss in the rain with their significant other, the person who died is now finding a place in an afterlife somewhere.

And if that's the case, then who am I mocking? Is it an old person who took their last breath? A young kid who died of a sickness or accident? A young teenage or adult who has been raped and could no longer take the pain?

Whatever it is, I feel bad, but it doesn't change what's happening. The soft, yet, rough movement of Sam's lips against mine. The way his giant hands rested on my waist, our wet clothes sticking to our bodies.

The water that entered our mouths, the rain that's picking up. My hands are placed around Sam's neck and are clinging on to him like there's no tomorrow. Our tongues fighting for domiance over the other, and the undeniable hot feeling in my chest that's growing.

My first kiss in five years and it's in the rain.

I can't deny that I feel a spark. It's not like one of those 'the sun blows up' spark. But it's enough that makes my heart faulter and keeps it wanting more.

Truth is, I never want to pull away from this kiss. If it's possible, I would like for it to last forever. I like the way Sam's lips feel against mine. I like how he holds me. Although it can never ever compare to the way Oliver held me or the way his lips felt against mine, my relationship with Oli is a thing in the past.

This is me, the new me, and I want nothing to do with Oliver.

Sam pulled away from me and took a well needed breath of air.

"Tell me you didn't feel a spark." He says after a few moment of silence. I stood there and tried to collect my thoughts. I had just kissed Sam. Sam, of whom I've known, for like, five days. Sam, who has gotten extremely close to me in five days, Sam who knows nothing of my past, Sam who has just kissed me.

This feeling, it's so raw, so new to me. I'm not used to people caring so much. People who throw everything on the line because they're brave enough to.

"Meedie?" I look at Sam who's now pointing at my face. Out of instinct, I touch my fingers to my nose and pull them back to find blood. Great.

"MEEDIE!" I look to see Josh looking very angry at the doors of the hospital. I start to shake as my body just throws out all these hormones.





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