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Saturday 16th January 2016

Glaring, I rip my hand from his. "What did you do that for... the beach Tyler, really? I wanted to finish off planting my flowers today," I moan, dramatically.

"Oh, hush," Tyler said, moving to walk next to me, "we're not going to the beach..."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously, glancing across the road at the to the houses which was identical to mine. They're all one floor and built with orange bricks, they're not very big inside, we each only get to have a small garden, which I'm very happy about. It's nothing like where I used to live in England, in our big house.

We began walking in the direction of Tyler's house, it's like a two-minute walk from mine, we were walking quite fast, one blue truck goes passed, fast, making me pull a face, that driver needs to slow down.

Tyler didn't reply straight away, so once we walked the short distance to his I said, "well, are you going to make me wait all day, Tyler?" He's taking too long to tell me. I start putting my hands in my jean shorts pockets. As he finally responds, all deeper and mysterious.

"Well you see Dawson- you'll just have to wait and see," he smirks, when he saw my mouth drop to the ground. "I really hate you sometimes," I said jokingly, groaning pushing him away from me, I fell into that one. Children who live next to Tyler stare at us, and I smile waving.

"Oh, don't be mad, you couldn't hate me even if you tried," he wipes his pretend tears from his eyes, as he laughs at me, when we entered, a door opens from down the hallway. Tyler's house wasn't that different from mine, with the only difference being his has a driveway at the side of his house instead of a lawn.

"Tyler, is that you?" Ella chimed. "Ye, mom." A woman in her late 30s came into the room then, who has platinum blond hair up in a messy updo, covering her brown eyes are a pair of red reading glasses, wearing cute sweats.

"Dawson, how've you been?" she asks like she didn't see me yesterday, she approached me, giving me a giant hug. "I'm doing fine, Ella, what about you?" I asked her back politely, grinning.

"I'm very busy actually, I'm just catching up on some paperwork, but I'm going to get back to it now, ok." She turns to Tyler, giving him a loud kiss on his left cheek.

"Mom ewe!" He moans, wiping his red face dramatically. I laugh, thinking of karma, he glares at me, but he turns back to Ella. "Just reminding you before I forget, Amelia said yes to Friday."

"Good, it's been awhile since we've seen each other, have fun you two." She mutters distracted, leaving to go back to her study. Ella and my mum became fast friends when Tyler and I introduced them.

Tyler then told me he's just nipping into the kitchen, so I sat down on the black leather sofa, wrapping my hands together on my lap and started to bounce my knee up and down, waiting. I haven't told Tyler about what happened last year, but I will... soon.

"Dawson?" Tyler smirks, waving his hand in front of my face, I stand, seeing a rucksack he uses for school over his left shoulder, I pointed to it, "what's in the bag Tyler?"

His eyes shining with amusement and winks, "you'll see."

Tyler turns to leave the house, I follow behind. I have a bad feeling about tonight.

We start to walk pass the park, when he finally shows me what's in his bag, I gasp, shocked, "I was only joking Tyler... we can't do that!" I don't know how he got me to go with him. It took him a while of begging me to help him.

He kept saying it would make him feel better, so I respond with the what if we get caught.

"We won't, come on Dawson before you change your mind," he said, dragging me with him down the street when I finally agreed. I wish I had a camera to capture the expression on his face, it was priceless, he didn't think I would help.

"Tyler, this isn't a good idea!" I whispered, trying not to be too loud, I'm totally freaking out. "Come on Dawson, where's your sense of adventure?" Tyler grins, while we both waited, sitting against some trees waiting for it to get a little darker.

I've never been to Luke's house, so it's a surprise to see he only lives about twenty minutes away on foot from where we live. His house reminded me of my old house, it was really big.

"Luke doesn't live that far away- couldn't he have just asked you to come over?" Tyler replies to me shaking his head, "yes... how hard is it to pick up a phone and just say hi, he makes me so mad!" he kicks the leaves away from his shoes.

I didn't reply straight away, giving him space to calm down, he took a long breath as I reply, "let's go do this!" I suddenly felt mad at Luke for hurting Tyler, "nobody gets away with hurting you!" I added making him give me a small smile of gratitude.

We stood up after he checked his watch which states it was [10:30]pm, the sky's dark with a little wind, only the street lights, lighting the way for us. I still can't believe I'm doing this, but I did put the idea in Tyler's brain.

"Come on Dawson, let's go," he whispers, happily picking up his rucksack and takes my small hand in his own. We moved over the road making sure no one was around, then stopped outside Luke's. Tyler opened his bag and reaches in for the new batch of eggs, fourteen in total.

"What will Ella say if she sees them missing?" I quietly ask.

"Don't worry about it, I'm going to go into the corner shop after I see you home." he says matter of fact. Tyler hands me a couple of eggs while he zips up his bag putting it back on his shoulder, leaving his hands free with the remaining eggs.

"You ready?" I nod, there no backing out now, I just hope we don't get caught, but Tyler told me nobody but Luke would be in. he'll be asleep now, with having a mock exam in the morning.

"Let's do it!"

No lights were on in the windows, and Tyler told me Luke was the middle window on the second floor so we start to throw. The eggs bounce off the house, two directly hit the window, making crack and crunch sounds then they hit.

I beam, I know this is totally wrong, but I feel like I needed this. I hear Tyler laugh quietly next to me, and I join in.

Suddenly a window on the bottom right of the house opens, to someone shouting, "hey! What do you think you're...?" He didn't finish, but carried on saying after half a second. "Tyler... Dawson is that you?" Luke asks squinting his eyes while pointing a bright light at us.

Busted, "Crap!" Tyler mutters under his breath while I'm frozen like cement, thinking how the hell are we going to get out of this mess.

Everything in my story is 100% made up to the names and the places! Don't steal.....

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