II. One Call Away

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A/N: Heeey, it's been long since I last uploaded and I just finished my O Levels last week so I was able to catch up on The Flash only then. The timeline of this story is set within Episode 22 where Caitlin had returned safely from Zoom's clutches to Barry's sidee. And I recently watched an edited AMV on Youtube featuring Snowbarry and the song, One Call Away so I was inspired to write this!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Flash.

Also, this story may seem a bit quirky and different from the stories you've read before.

One Call Away - Charlie Puth

Sundays were a day-off for them. It was an unspoken rule between Barry, Cisco and Caitlin. Even Wells, who was hell-bent on destroying Zoom, needed some time off from the messiness of it all – Zoom, meta-humans, multiverses, time travel and all those stuff that was too surreal to even exist and had taken this particular day off to go sightseeing around Central City (although there was nothing much to see, but hey, Earth One had got to have some fascinating sights although Wells highly doubted it) with his daughter, Jesse.

Barry admitted it was weird at first – seeing Dr. Wells in the flesh back in the office. Except that this time, this Wells was not restricted to a wheelchair and he was less mysterious than Earth One Harrison Wells which made him more likable. They were gradually warming up to him and as much as he hated to admit, it was nice having a familiar face around – of course, someone without an intent of murder and double-crossing them. Barry liked Wells' company and also, Cisco and Caitlin.

Caitlin... Barry felt so sorry for her. Barry was always protective of his friends and he had even given up his speed in return for Wally's safety. In doing so, he had witnessed Zoom kidnap Caitlin right in front of his very eyes whilst he laid there on the ground, powerless and weak.

It must have been hard for Caitlin since the initial shock of Jay dying had taken a big emotional toll on her but when they figured out Jay Garrick or Hunter Zolomon was Zoom – the mastermind and the culprit behind all of the mass catastrophe that was happening in Central City, Barry had watched Caitlin broken down in front of him. With her swollen red eyes brimming with tears and pale quivering lips, it was a sight Barry didn't want to see again.

Right then, he had vowed to take down Zoom once and for all.

But today was an exception. If he were to take down Zoom, it would be any other day. By the way, even the most evil and baneful mastermind needed a day off or two right? Barry decided right then that he would take down Zoom tomorrow or the day after tomorrow but definitely not today.

So, there he was seated comfortably at CC. Jitters, sipping his favourite cup of coffee whilst listening to the faint jazz music playing in the background. The normalcy of it all calmed Barry. It was exactly what he needed.

He took out his phone and scrolled through the contacts. Since the West family were having a family dinner tonight, Barry decided that he didn't want to intrude and give the Wests a real family bonding time (even though Joe insisted that Barry came, Barry was adamant in letting them spend some quality West family time)...which meant he needed a place to crash that night while the family was out of the house.

So, he speed-dialed his only buddy – Cisco Ramone.

"Suuuup Barry?" Cisco greeted from the other line and his enthusiasm coaxed a smile on Barry's face. He was already looking forward to a night full of movies and Big Bang Theory where Barry would laugh at Cisco's stupid imitation of Howard's horrible pick-up lines and conversing in silly Indian accents.

Oh, Barry was ready to have an amazing time...

However, before Barry could even get the word out, Cisco beat him to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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