Chapter 14: Oooh Aaah

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" Love you'm too dada " I smiled and turned her to face the TV. This was the movie her ass was pitching a fit about watching. She gon' watch the shit. I looked over at Cash she mugged the both of us, Laughing I blew her a kisss.

Thats my baby though. I love Cash!

One by one movie by movie. They were all getting knocked the hell out. Cash ass was falling asleep too. I could see it in her eyes. She had work tomorrow so together we laid the girls down, kissed them good night and made sure everything was properly locked up.

" We do good as a team " I tell her as we got ready for bed.

" I know right! " She says laying across the bed getting in my way. I smacked her ass mugging her.

" I know you seen me doing something, Lil girl "

" Yeah just too bad I didn't care " -.-

" You gon' stop getting smart with me " I got on the bed pinning her arms above her had after I fliped her on her back " Remember im daddy "

" Yea, Gionni's daddy "

" And yours too " I kiss her lips. She tried to keep her lips closed. I laughed and bit down on her bottom lip softly, making her open her mouth. Everytime I kiss Cash or touch cash...something happens inside of me. Some fvcking feeling. The shit be weird as hell. As our tongues fought control she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me in closer. I began to slowly take off her shirt and shorts. Then my boxer.

" hold on " She pulls away.

" What ? " I looked at her in cunfusion. After getting this damn far she was going to stop me. Shit she laying here in just bra and panties now. She reached over by where we lay our heads going into the night stand. I sighed, this girl taking up my time. She leaned back and handed me the condom.

" What is this ? " I knew what it was, but why she want me to use it.

" A condom " She giggled.

" Why ? " I looked at her.

" We don't need another baby "

" In fact...we do " I tell her. She got to be around for Gia birth. I didn't. I didn't get to see her get fat. Have mood swings. Be there when her water broke. Take her to the check up's and doctor. I didn't get to cut the cord on my first child. I didn't get to see her when she first came out and hear the doctors go " Mr. and Mrs. Menice heres your babygirl " as they handed her to us. I didn't get to see her first steps, her first tooth, her first night mare. Change her first dirty diaper...None of that shit a father gets. It was taking away from me.

All because of some bullshit!

I vowed to make it up to Gia, Elle, and even Cash....but Im not missing out. Cash WILL give me another child. None of that hold on shit!

" Gucci....its harder then it seems - "

" And I have been doing it since the day I got out. So don't make it seem like im just standing back and watching ! " I tell her getting irratated.

" Your not the one having to stop your life for 9 months and carry a damn baby - "

" So getting pregnant with Gia just totally stopped your life ? Fvcked it up, huh !? Wow, Cash. Its like I don't even know you right now " I tell her. She sighed.

" Thats not what im saying! I love Gia. She was one of the best things to happen to me along with Elle...I have to carry a baby for 9 months. I have to go into labor and get fat and give painful childbirth....Im young, I just started this adult thing. I want to take my time at it " I looked down at her sighing. She pulled me closer to her chest.

That Ballah Love: Down For My BallahWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu