Part 1 out of ??

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I'm just going flat out say it. I have no more ideas for this story, I changed the plot so it wouldn't seem like a skit but it's not really working out right now so until then. It's going to come in parts .Anyway let's continue.

Recap: sonic and the gang asked questions about How Amy and scarlet are when they are in Dark forms.

Everyone besides the two girls shivered "what do you mean demonic? Has anyone ever seen you guys like that?" The brave soul to speak at the moment was tails wanting to know more about their powers and whatnot can do. Both girls looked at tails shaking their heads "the last person to see us like that were killed" Amy said with no remorse. It became dead silent after that not even a mouse was hear or the crickets outside that chime with their musical tunes could be heard. Sonic looked at the twins with a new look, knowing Amy for awhile he doesn't see that clingy girly that always chased after him begging for his Now he sees a strong hedgie who had what little innocents she had shown them taken away only to realize it was a disguise to cover the pain they went through in their years of childhood. He looked down ashamed of all the times he put her down not knowing it was adding on to what she was already feeling. Beside him shadow had a look of shock, sadness and love toward a one of the twin hedgie's thinking of how strong they must be to endure all of that and still put a smile on there face without having a care in the world. He made a new goal in his mind 'I'll protect her from now on from everything that dare tries to hurt her." And he wasn't the only one who thought this as the two hedgehogs stated at there lovers with determination burning there eyes they thought together ' I will be their savior'

Hey guys I thought that was a great way to end part one. Until part 2 I'll see you later my candy people Ja-ne~!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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