Chapter Two

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-Setton has joined the chatroom-

Taro: Setton-san, how are you doing?

Setton: I've been...fine. I see Kanra-san isn't here again.

Saika: Yes, she hasn't been here since the accident.

Bakyura: I never thought I'd say this but it's too quiet without her. Even if she is just an annoyance.

Setton: Well she must come back surely!

Taro: ...It's been two weeks, Setton-san.

Setton: People take time off from the internet!

Bakyura: ...I don't think she's coming back. Ever.

Saika: It's sort of weird how she stopped responding right after the deaths of Orihara Izaya and Heiwajima Shizuo, don't you think?

Setton: Don't remind me.

-Private Mode-

Saika: Celty, how have you really been doing?

Setton: It's been rather hard but I've been coping, Anri. Losing Shizuo was the difficult part. His brother is a wreck.

Saika: I've heard, he's been caught drinking numerous times hasn't he?

Setton: Yes, it's very unlike him. No one really knows he's Shizuo's brother so they just think he's acting out for no reason.

Saika: That's awful.

Setton: How have Izaya's sister been? They go to school with you, right?

Saika: They've been skipping a lot. Mairu gets into more fights and Kururi talks even less than she did before. I didn't realize they were that close to Orihara-san.

Setton: I've heard Ryuugamine-kun has been worse as well.

Saika: He doesn't really talk to me or Kida anymore. All he does is look at his phone. He claims Izaya is still alive.

Setton: A lot has changed ever since those two passed. I never thought I'd say I missed Izaya just feels wrong without him and Shizuo creating havoc throughout the city.

Saika: We'll just have to adapt, I suppose. It'll get either.

Setton: ...I suppose you're right.

Saika: Oh, how has Kishitani-san been? No one has heard from him since the accident.

Setton: ....

Saika: I'm sorry, that was too personal.

Setton: No no, it's fine. Shinra has been...well, he's been terrible. I'm honestly scared for him and his health.

Saika: I'm so sorry, he was good friends with Orihara-san and Heiwajima-san, wasn't he?

Setton: He met Shizuo in elementary school and Izaya in junior high. They were technically his only friends and he just can't seem to accept the fact that they're gone.

Saika: He'll get better, I'm sure. I have to do schoolwork now but I wish you luck, Celty.

Setton: Take care, Anri.

-Setton has left the chatroom-

Celty inaudibly sighed and shut off her computer for the night, stretching her stiff joints slightly before standing up. The dullahan slowly stood up from her desk chair and made her way over to Shinra's room. Sure enough, upon her entering the doctor laid on his bed, passed out with empty liquor bottles splayed out around him. Unimaginable sadness welled inside her chest as she picked up each bottle and dumped them in the trash. Gently picking up the sleeping man, she tucked him in under the covers. Pale hands stroked the brunet's hair before taking off his glasses and setting them down on his desk. She noted the dried tears clinging to his face before exiting the room for her own.

The whole situation had shocked Celty to the very core of her being. Not once did she imagine Shizuo or Izaya leaving her life, even though it should have been obvious since they were only humans. Grief had settled inside her for the loss of her fake blond friend and she even found herself missing Izaya's playfulness from time to time.

However, the dullahan concluded that she could and would move on from this after awhile. As for her lover though, she had no idea if he would ever get past his best friends deaths. Her mind drifted off to when they had first heard about the news. They had been watching television when the news report of a speeding semi truck had crashed into two men and left them dead. Celty remembered going cold at seeing the victims names displayed on the screen and how she had 'looked' over at her partner.

That's when Celty realized she wasn't looking at her partner. No, that man couldn't be the person she'd spent so long with. The eyes behind his glasses were blank and staring at nothing while his body suddenly seemed small inside his white jacket. He simply exited the house and left for the hospital, knowing he was both Shizuo and Izaya's emergency contact.

Shinra hadn't spoken a single word since then. All he did was work on papers Celty could make no sense of whatsoever in his lab before passing out in exhaustion and falling asleep while crying.

Even though it had only been two weeks, Celty couldn't see this continuing cycle ending ever.

She still hoped for him to snap out of it.

She would wait no matter how long it took.

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