Someone had pinned tinsel along the strip lighting. It made the church hall smell like someone's attic. Allie strained her ears, trying to catch Mrs. Hodge's voice above the din of cackling laughter and heels banging on the cheap wooden floor.

'Now we've got the border, nobody will get through at all,' she was saying, cheeks flushed, eyes alight. She put one hand up to straighten the paper crown she'd nabbed from her husband earlier.

'He's been so busy, working so hard, and it's finally paying off. He didn't even make our first scan, did you know that? But nearly everybody's with us now.'

The women around her clucked, pressing closer, but Mrs. Hodge didn't seem to mind. Allie, barely feet from her, was hemmed in on all edges too. She was being pressed against bare, sweaty skin.

It was impossible to get out: every time she squirmed back, somebody shoved forwards and she was back where she started again, suffocating.

'Of course, we all know those who aren't,' She scanned the crowd confidently, eyes settling briefly on a few faces. Allie's heart was in her mouth, but they slid straight over her to some other unfortunate. 'They'll come around, with our help. Soon, hopefully. It will all be over by spring, and if they're out then, they're out forever.'

Mrs. Hodge smiled as some of the women gave a little cheer, one hand on her stomach. She raised her glass.

'To the coming of spring, and new beginnings!'

The cheer got louder. The other women put up their glasses too, and Allie seized her chance to squeeze out. Nobody noticed her go, but other people in the hall had noticed the cheers and joined in.

The excitement spread, the cheering growing louder and then reverting back to the familiar chant.

Allie closed her eyes briefly, blocking out the party. When she opened them again, she caught sight of a broom cupboard. Making her way towards it, she closed herself within. The noise automatically dropped by a few octaves. There was just the sound of breathing, shallow and irregular, slow and heavy too, and then--

'Well, hello there.'

Allie jumped, turning to find Mr. Hodge. He grinned, leaning forwards, sloshing his spirit over the edge of his glass. His teeth were very yellow.

'Mr Hodge!' she gasped, one hand at her throat. 'What are you doing in here?'

'Funny,' he said, swaying closer. 'I could say the same thing to you.'

'I--I just--it's very loud.'

'You don't like the chant?' He laughed. 'I made it myself. They like it. Don't you like it?'

'I do,' she said, turning her head slightly. His breath reeked of alcohol.

'I know you do. You're loyal,' he jabbed a finger towards her chest, making her flinch slightly against the opposite wall. ' I know...I know what you're here for.'

To her intense horror, he brandished a spring of Christmas mistletoe.

'No, no, Mr. Hodge,' Allie said, eyes widening as he raised it in the air, directly above her head. 'No--'

He moved forwards, gripped her wrist. Trapped against the wall, Allie had nowhere to go; his face lowered slowly towards her own.

The door banged open.

Both of them turned to see Mrs. Hodge in the doorway. She was frozen. The chanting continued in the hall.

'Allie,' she said, smiling funnily. 'I was wondering where you were going off to. Come with me, dear.'

She reached out and grabbed her arm. Allie was pulled out the wardrobe. Mrs. Hodge held her like a vice, dragging her back into the party. Her bump pressed against Allie's side.

'Come back, stand with me and the other women,' she said, mouth moving like a ventriloquist's dummy. 'You can stay with me from now on.'

Allie went with her, powerless to resist.

* * * *

'Allie,' called Mrs. Hodge from the living room, 'Fetch that in here now!'

Allie, hovering just behind the doorway, gave one last salivating stare at the tray of sandwiches she held before trotting obediently into the room. There was a funny smell in the air.

Mrs. Hodge sat alone in the sofa, make-up applied, but still in her dressing gown even though Allie had brought in a dress earlier. The food was snatched up as soon as it was set down.

She stared, hunched, at the delicate fingers for a brief second before cramming them into her mouth. Crumbs fell onto her lap.

Allie might have been revolted at the spectacle, except she would have done the same if she could. Springtime had come at last, providing relief from those few starved months they'd had after the skirmishes, but the Hodge family still guarded their food jealously, just in case. It was all the more important now the baby had come, apparently, although she drank nothing but milk yet, so Allie didn't see how. Preparing those sandwiches had been torture.

Mrs. Hodge said nothing, so Allie remained in the room, watching her eat. The transition from starving to savouring was slow, and the last stage of eating--playing listlessly with the final sandwich whilst shooting wicked looks at Allie--passed even slower. Eventually, the food was consumed.

Mrs. Hodge smacked her lips.

'Mmm, Allie, you do make good sandwiches.'

Allie remained staring at the floor sullenly, wishing she was anywhere but here. Knowing she would remain despite that.

'Does Mr. Hodge not want anything?' she muttered, still staring at the rug.

'Mr. Hodge won't be wanting anything anymore,' snapped Mrs. Hodge. The tone of her voice surprised Allie. 'Stupid girl!'

Allie looked up, just in time to avoid being hit by the silver platter Mrs. Hodge thrust towards her.

'Take that back to the kitchen.'

Allie took the tray and dawdled towards the door. Mrs. Hodge still hadn't given her permission to eat anything, and she was so hungry. She stared at the dripped sauces Mrs. Hodge had left on it: a blob of white, a smudge of yellow. Some red smears.

'Hurry up!'

Heavy footsteps rushed up behind her: Allie squealed and ran. The door slammed behind her. She hung in the hallway, breathing hard, her empty stomach twisting itself around and around.

'Stupid girl!' cursed Mrs. Hodge on the other side of the door. 'Stupid Harold.'

She laughed, and the footsteps moved back into the room.

Allie took the tray back into the kitchen and washed it clean with the strongest bleach they had.

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