Level 18 [Part 1]

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Before I get into the beginning of the day, I want to explain to you guys how do I know if I'm visible or not. When I'm in a room of the house, that particular place gets a lot colder, and that condition follows me everywhere. Well, when I'm visible for other people I can also feel the cold in the room. And when I'm NOT visible I don't feel anything. It took me a while to understand that, but it's much easier to control that now. Even though sometimes it's hard and I still can't control this. Well, anyway, let's get on the beginning of my day.

When I fell asleep last night I wasn't visible for Blake, cause' since he was sleeping there was no need for me to spend my strength in being visible. But during the night I remember waking up and make myself visible in case Blake woke up.


My eyes gradually open, and I feel a hand gently touching my forehead. A smile was immediately drawn in my face once I lock eyes with the green eyed beauty in front of me. Blake seems so peaceful just staring at me. I must admit, it's kinda uncomfortable having someone so close to me like this, but with Blake is different. My eyes start to close again for they are so heavy, like I haven't slept a tiny bit. My energy was drained for being visible all night.

"Kayla?" Panic rises in Blake's voice and I shot my eyes open. I'm not visible anymore. I see Blake jump out of the bed. I'm only capable to follow him with my eyes. I force myself to get up and explain to him that I'm still here, only drained AF.

On top of his desk lays a notebook and a pencil, ever since I was able to contact him through that, he keeps those two things there, for some emergency.

Don't worry. I'm still here. Being visible all night drained all my energy. I write in the notebook. My handwriting is all messy and groggy.

"Hm...What can I do to help, then?" Blake asked with an enormous sigh of relieve.

You can give me a couple hours to recover. I really need to talk to you. Is that okay? I wrote back in response.

"Sure. If you weren't here I'd probably be playing games. But today I'm going for a walk in the block with my skate, so take your time." He says.

I hop on the bed and lay with my back flat against the mattress. I keep on watching Blake while he makes his way to his closet. He's still bare naked.

He takes a White T-shirt and black skinny Jeans. He begins to strip down his pajama bottom and my cheeks begin to burn and sting like crazy. I pick up the notebook and throw it at him, directly into his chest, as a sign for him to not strip in front of me.

"Okay, okay! Jeez. I'll just dress outside then." He leaves with his pants almost falling from his butt, into the bathroom.

Laying on my side, I begin to think about all the things I need to say to Blake, but my mind gets flooded by the sight of my Ammit yesterday and again what I sister meant with "The opposite of what killed you." It didn't take long for my mind to fall into the black atmosphere and I fall asleep.


A gunshot make my ears buzz and my earing fade. I jerk in the bed and fall out of it, flat in the floor. I scream at the top of my lungs, thinking about the history repeating itself. I open my eyes and Blake is not in the room. With my ears still buzzing I run out of the room and down the stairs, falling in the last step and bumping my nose in the floor. As my earing returns to normal, the buzzing is replaced by laugher. I get up fast and follow its origin. In the kitchen Blake is talking to his mother and they are both laughing. What?

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