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*****Dinah's POV*****

"Can I go see Dinah, please?" Camila wiped her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. The doctor just nodded and led her to my room. I watched the whole process again, but from a different perspective.

It was terrible, really. Mila came in and held me as I cried heavily. The doctors had left and the main surgeon, the one who promised to save my baby, remained with us. He was holding the dead child in his arms, swaddled in a blanket. "Ms. Hansen? Would you like to hold the baby?"

I looked up at Camila, and I knew she was going to let this be my choice. "Yes p-please" I was barely able to croak out. I couldn't even keep my composure holding my dead child. My sweet Brooklyn Hansen-Cabello didn't even get a real chance. "God picked the perfect little angel, sweetheart" I cried, failing miserably to smile. Camila just kissed my head and let her tears fall silently. "She's safe where she's at, Dinah. I know that." I just agreed, but continued to cry over my child.

Flash forward to a little while longer down the line of my life, we're all dressed in black at a church again. This time, it's for Brooklyn. Like the time before, everyone was crying heavily. Also, like the last time, I wasn't there. As everyone started to move to the graveyard for her burial, I sat outside the church by myself.

I didn't cry. It hardly looked like I said was breathing. I had only seen myself like this one time before. When I was looking at myself in the mirror while in the custody of my kidnapper. I was still alive, but barely. It was like I was already dead. Like our daughter wasn't the only one who died that day.

Camila walked over in front of me, getting down on one knee. "I know this isn't easy. I know you don't want to hear from me, either. But I know that you're scared, and I am here for you." She gently grabbed onto my hand, making me look up to see her eyes. "I'm not going to let you go through this alone."

At that, my eyes filled with tears and I broke down. Camila held me off up as my body collapsed. I was overwhelmed with so much pain. I felt like everything good in my life was being torn from me. Luckily, that didn't include Camila.

"I l-love you" I cried into her chest. She just ran her fingers through my hair and said it back. "I'm always gonna be here for you, baby.

The scene switches again, and Mila and I are sitting through therapy. "Dinah's been so distant lately. She hasn't been able to connect with anyone emotionally at all. Not since...day."  Mila tried to explain everything to the doctor while I just sat there. Just wallowing away in pity.

"Dinah" the therapist started, "Have you had any sense of closure with the loss of your daughter?" I just kind of glared at him harshly. Obviously, her death was still a touchy subject to me. "I could never forget about what happened to her. If I wasn't weak, she would be alive and well and we wouldn't be here."

Camila squeezed my hand lightly, trying to calm me down. I know I was probably overreacting, but I was hurting. I could tell that much. "Some days I just wish I was the one who didn't make it."

"What you need, Ms. Hanson-Cabello, is closure with your daughter's passing. You need to understand that it is not anyone's fault for what happened, and that includes your own. As much as you love Brook, you can't let her death dictate your life. You are still here for a reason, so you need to live. Not just function and breath, but live your life because it's the only one you have."

The scene begins to fade and is replaced with another one. This scene is much darker, and takes place on a rainy day. Camila and I are hand in hand, dressed in all black as we walk through the cemetery. If I guessed right, we were finally here for me to see Brook's tomb stone. So I could finally have a sense of closure.

When we got there, I kneeled against the cold wet ground. My fingers lightly ran over the engraved words of her stone. It was slightly worn, showing that it had been at least a few months since she had been buried. Months that I haven't been able to come here and see her.

"Say whatever you need to say. I'll be here if you need me." I looked back at Camila and smiled lightly, "Thank you." It was two simple words to express so much gratitude I had for her. She had been through it all with me, and I could never truly pay her back for that.

Brook Hansen-Cabello. God picked the perfect little angel to join him in heaven.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that lightly. Even before we knew we would keep Brook, we had always referred to her as our angel. To me, that's exactly what she was. A gift from God. He just needed her more than we did.

I hadn't even noticed the tears pouring from my eyes as I thought about my little angel. "I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to be your mother. It wouldn't have been easy some days, but I know I'd do anything to make you. Now, instead of me watching over you, you can watch over me. Over all of us."

At this point, I had broken down completely. Camila came and kneeled next to me, rubbing my back softly. "I never got a chance to tell you this, but I love you Brooklyn. I love you with all of my heart and nothing will ever be able to change that. You'll never be forgotten."

After that day, things progressively got better for me and the girls. Fifth Harmony continued to make music, although we all had our little solo careers on the side. Mani stuck to her dancing. Camila featured on songs. I dabbled in a little bit of acting. Lauren wrote music for some pretty big artists. Ally shocked everyone by becoming a certified priest...did y'all catch the sarcasm?

Either way, we all ended up living good lives. Ally and Troy finally got married. Lauren and Normani were engaged and had a little girl named Luna. And Mila and I? We had another baby. A little boy, who grew up to be strong and healthy. In the end, everyone was happy. It may have started out rough, but we were all finally happy.

After seeing our lives play out, I expected to return to the hospital. This time, it wasn't like the others. When the room filled with a bright light, an overwhelming amount of aching pain came over my body. I already couldn't see from the blindingly white light, but now my body was weak.

"Dinah" a familiar voice called out to me. Some of the brightness started to fade, and I could slightly make out a blurry face looking down at me. "Guys! Get the doctor! Dinah's waking up."

When my eyes finally focused, I was looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. My gorgeous girlfriend and the love of my life. "Hey DJ, how are you feeling?"

"My whole body hurts" I croak out. Camila hands me a glass of water and I thank her. "How long was I out?"She sits on the edge of my bed, grabbing my hand. "About a week." Suddenly, I remember something that makes me jump up quickly. "My baby. Where is she? Is she okay?"

"Dinah, relax Hun. Brooklyn is fine."  She got up and walked over to a small crib set up in the room, picking up our daughter. "You wanna hold her, babe?" I nod, not trusting my voice. Mila handed Brook to me, and I nearly cried looking at her.

She was so small and beautiful. She had tanned skin like me, and dark hair like Mila. "She's so beautiful" I whispered, lightly crying. Camila just moved next to me and let me rest my head on her chest. "I love you, Dinah." "I love you too."

The doctor walked in with the rest of the girls, who looked ecstatic to see me. "You did it, Mrs. Hansen" the doctor said. He was the one who promised to save my baby. "You both made it out just fine. It was a miracle."

"I can't wait to see how this life turns out."

Bound to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora