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*****Camila's POV*****

"It's over. I have nothing left" I cried while I packed my bags. The girls were trying to stop me, but I had to get out this house. I just couldn't stay here anymore. If I had to look at him and sit at a dinner table with him and act like everything is okay. "Mila, please don't leave. We should all be together right now" Ally said. While she was trying to negotiate with me, Lauren and Normani were unfolding the clothes I packed and hanging them back up. "I just, I feel trapped in this house". Normani grabbed my hand, "C'mon. Let's go". "Where?" "On a walk. We'll be back in an hour".

That's how we ended up walking down the street together. The whole neighborhood knew we were staying here, but no one really bothered us. We were all going through her disappearance together. Life changed for everyone here. "What he did to you was wrong. We all know that" she said softly, grabbing my hand. "It's just, why did you stop me?" "We didn't want him to get you hurt. If we knew you could've taken him, we probably would've let you" she chuckled. The way she ran her thumb over my knuckles made me think of Dinah.

"Mani, I miss her" I whispered quietly, trying to hold my tears in. "She's not gone. We would feel if she was, I promise you that. She's still here" she said softly, her voice cracking. I pulled her to me, letting her finally cry. Normani had been strong the entire time. I hadn't seen her cry since they told us Dinah was missing. When we found out together, her eyes got teary but she didn't cry. This was the first time she really cried. And she broke down completely.

"I'm sorr-" I shushed her, holding her close. "You don't have to be sorry. Pain demands to be felt, and it's just your time". She just nodded into my shoulder, sobs racking her body. I really felt bad right now. She was just feeling it all at one time, and it was bad. But she needed it, and when it subsided, I could tell she felt better. "Thank you Camila. I love you, and I know Dinah does too". "I love you too, Mani". "Will you stay with us?" I just nodded and took her hand, walking back to the house.

As we walked back to the house, I saw Gordon sitting on the porch, on the phone. Normani was about to keep walking, but I stopped her and pulled her to hide behind a bush with me. "What th-". "Shhh, whoever he's talking to told him to burn my book". So we listened quietly. "Alexa, it's gone. Alright? Why are you asking me these questions? Is this about the girls or that book?"

Alexa. No...there's no way it could be. It just can't add up. There's no way. I just fell back on the ground, holding my knees to my chest. "What are you thinking right now?" "I just...you don't think Alexa...do you?" Mani just laughed a little, but stopped when I didn't join in. "Mila...that's crazy". "Is it, Normani? Maybe that book was just a distraction. Maybe I'm missing what's right in front of me, in front of us". She didn't want to hear this...neither of this want to be true. But...it could be, couldn't it?

I got up from the bush, pulling Mani with me. I walked right past Gordon like we had never been listening. I felt him look while we walked by, but I wasn't going to acknowledge him. He had to stay irrelevant to me. He couldn't know that I knew anything or there would be a problem. And this time, I wouldn't let the girls stop me.

"I need the keys". I walk back into the room, searching through my everyone's purse. "Where are you trying to get to?" Lauren asked first. I didn't answer. I just needed to get the keys and take the car and get out of this house. I was going to come back, but I needed something. A second journal. This time, he'd never figure it out. Only the girls can.

"Hey" Ally stopped me, grabbing my hands. "I need to go out. I have a plan. I know more. It's all coming together and just need to connect the dots. I won't be able to rest until I write it all down. I won't rest into I write it down. So I need to borrow someone's keys and let me go out. I promise I'll come back. I'm tired of running. I'm getting my girl back and I know who to go after".

Ally just let go of my hand and stepped back. "Mila. You don't have to do this". I just laughed a little, "I'm just buying some art supplies. Writing is therapeutic for me now". Lauren spoke up next. "Can I go with you? I need more paper for my Polaroid". I just nodded as Ally gave me the keys. I planned just to walk out without interruptions. But, of course, that didn't work out.

I was stopped by the ringing of all our phones at one time. I looked to the girls, our eyes all showing the same fear and confusion. We were all silently asking each other, "Should we answer?" Once one did, we all would. So I answered first, and the others followed. It was a recording.

There's not much time to explain. I'm a doctor in the Orange County Medical Facility. Dinah is here, the cops are coming, and I need you all here. With your help, I'll be able to get her home. Someone will be waiting by the back entrance to let you in. Please hurry. We don't have much time.

And that's where it ended. "Let's go. My girlfriend's alive". I grabbed my jacket and started to run out the door, but none of the girls were moving. "C'mon! We need to go!" I yelled, but they just looked at me with that sad expression. "Stop looking dumb and c'mon on!" I screamed. But nothing was getting through.

"Camila, none of this is real" Normani said, but I wasn't understanding. "What do you-". Ally shushed me and gently laid her hands. "I need you to count backwards from 10, and to wake up". None of this was making any sense.

Why are they counting?

What do they mean "none of this is real?"

Where's this leading?

Where is my girlfriend?

Is she okay?

Is our baby okay?

Why haven't we left yet?

Where's Alexa and why is she not in hell?

How can I get to Dinah.


I closed my eyes for a second, a bright light suddenly entering the room. When my eyes refocus, I expect to be at Dinah's house, in her room. But the room I'm in has white walls, white coats, and a constant beeping just to drive you slightly insane. "Mila? How do you feel?" I hear voices ask me. I look up and see and blurry image of the girls standing over me. But Dinah isn't with them.

I have a mask over my face, helping me get air into my lungs. It felt so hard to breath and I didn't understand why. "Oh thank God, she's awake" another voice came out from behind the girls. And then in she walked, and I started trying to fight my way off the bed. I didn't know whether to confront her or run from her. My machine started to beep as fast as my heart was beating, alerting the doctors.

"Ms. Cabello. Please, calm down. You're putting too much stress on your lung". Lung? Why only one? I just put the thought aside and kept fighting until everyone but my doctors were removed from the room. "Camila, with lung damage like yours, you need to rest. You've been out for quite a while". Now I'm really confused, and the doctor must have saw it on my face.

"You've been in here for a weak and possibly fully collapsed lung from the explosion you were in".

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