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*****Dinah's POV*****

I lifted my head to the sound of a baby crying. The sound echoed through the large room. "Shh. It's okay, baby". I tried to get up but I was hooked to the wall. The cuffs were excruciatingly tight around my wrist. To the point where they were even starting to cut into me. "I know baby" I cooed, "I'm trying sweetie". The baby just cried louder and louder, and I couldn't get to her. I start to sing to her softly, and she starts quieting down. By the time she's gone, it's too late.

"Oh no, you just let the baby cry? Such a bad mother." I growled and pulled on the chains again. "You don't fucking touch my baby" I screamed. Alexa just smirked at me. "What can you do to stop me? You're a bit...tied up, at the moment." I wanted nothing more than to smack that look off her face. "I will tear you limb from limb, you crazy-". "Shhh, Dinah" she said, picking up my now sleeping child. Alexa rocked her gently, and my stomach turned violently. "Please. Put her down! Let her go!" She looked up at me and smirked. "Let her go?..okay then". Just like that, she lifted her arms and let go.
"NOOO" I cried, sitting up on the bed. Camila sat up next to me, gently placing her hand on my shoulder. "Hey there, its just a dream. It's okay, baby girl." I just lifted a unsteady hand to my head, wiping the from my brow. "Hey, let me get you something to drink, okay?" "O-okay" I stutter. Why was I still seeing her? I swear that I didn't let her in my head and that it was over. But all I could see was her. In my sleep. In my dreams. Sometimes standing behind my reflection in the mirror.

"Here love" Camila said, handing me a glass of water. I took it slowly, taking small sips. Her silk and transparent black robe hanging from her beautiful frame caught my attention as she sat next to me. "Did I get you that?" She smirked and moved closer to me. "Of course baby. You got it for me the night you brought the handcuffs and we... tried something new." I blushed at the memory of night. "Things got pretty...wild huh" I laughed. "Who would've thought you enjoyed calling me daddy for a change". I playfully pushed her shoulder, pulling her to me after.

"I'm so happy you're back home" she sighed, resting her head on my shoulder. "I'm glad too. I thought Brooke would grow up without her mommy". She laid her hand on my stomach, tracing circles. "How is our little baby?" "She's tired, but excited to meet us. I bet she'll love you the most. Cause you're so beautiful." She blushed and smiled widely, "Kiss me?" I pulled her closer and leaned my forehead against hers, "Of course".

Her lips were perfect, just like the rest of her. "Mila, don't put your hand there" I laughed, slapping her shoulder. "C'mon baby. You were loving it earlier." She knew exactly what to do just to get me started. "Mila" I gasped as she curled her finger. She chuckled and pulled away. "I'm sorry" she said as she brought her fingers to her lips. "I just couldn't help myself. I honestly didn't think you'd like it there as much as you do." "Just shut up and lay with me." She just shrugged and let me lay her head on her shoulder.

"What are we going to the name the baby? Have we picked any names?" I looked down at my stomach, enjoying the feeling of Camila running her hands in different shapes over it. "We have Brooke Hansen-Cabello, but still no middle names. And what if it's a boy?" Camila ran her fingers through my hair, "I really want to give him or her an ethnic name. Like, Polynesian names are so beautiful and they always have an amazing meaning." God, I love this girl.

"How about this? We put in both of our ethnicities into the name. Deal?" She just kisses me head, and I assume that means yes. "If it's a boy, how does Atoni sound? It means priceless." She smiled, "I actually love it. How do you feel about Amador? It means lover." "We are so good at this. Let's try to put them into a name for our little boy, if they are one".  

For the next hour, we went back and forth with these names. "Armador Atoni Hansen-Cabello is great" she argued. "But Antoni Armador Hansen-Cabello sounds so much better". I fell back on the bed, sighing out in frustration. "I love chu, mama" she said as she kissed my neck. I just giggled and pushed her, "Shut up, annoying". "So you don't want me to order you some food? I mean, you're usually hungry after all the work we put in." "Mila, you freaky as hell" I laugh, "But do order me something please". "You weren't complaining about how freaky I was earlier, but I got you love". 

*****Camila's POV*****

When I picked up the phone to order room service, the line sounded like it was dead. And then a voice cut in. Sick, sarcastic, and sinister laughing rang through. "Hello? Who is this?" "Oh Camila. You didn't forget about me already, did you?" How did they possibly get my number. "How did you get this number, Jake?" He answered with another sarcastic laugh and it made me just want to kill him. "I just wanted to give you a call, and let you know what's about to go down. Our trial is coming up, Francis and I. Dinah is going to have to testify, and well too. My attorney is one of the best in the business. So bring your A-game. Cause I could get out. And if I do, Karla...I'm coming for my baby. This time, you won't be able to stop me". 

With that, he hung up. "Mila? Baby?" I couldn't answer. I just, I was panicking on the inside but not letting it show on the outside. "Camila? Seriously, what's going on?" I heard Dinah get up from the bed and walk next to me. She took the phone from my shaky hand, sitting in down on the desk. "Look at me, love" she cried, holding my face to look at hers. "What happened?" "He's coming for our baby. He's going to come for our. He probably already has people on the way here." "Mila. Baby, what are you-." I cut her off. "Pack your bags. We gotta go. Right now, Dinah. Let's move."

As I was packing our bags, both our phones buzzed. "Mila, what's going on?" I just grabbed my phone and checked the message from the girls. "Get back to the house ASAP. They're being let out until the trial." "He didn't...he called you, didn't they?" I just turned to her teary face and cupped her cheeks gently. "Never again. I promise, I will not let anyone lay a finger on you or our baby. If they even come anywhere near you at that trial...I-I'll...I'll". She just pulled my lips to hers.

"I wanna put them in jail. I want to go through with the trial."

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