Chapter 20

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So.. There is going to be a time jump until after their holiday away. Nothing is actually going to happen when they're there other than the engagement and I will be doing a flashback. Now that my exams are over - expect more updates! Let's jump into it!


Elsie's P.O.V

I sit on the sofa with Ryan next to me, our families sat infront of us 

"What's this about Elsie?" My mum asks in confusion

"You aren't pregnant are you?" My dad asks as I shake my head

"Then what are we all here for?" Ryan's mum asks

"We have some very exciting and special news!" I smile

"We're not expecting a baby! However, we are expecting a wedding!" Ryan says. Our families look at each other and then his dad starts to speak

"You finally popped the question son?" He asks and we both nod as all of them jump up and congratulate us.

"That's why we went on holiday last week" Ryan laughs - my mum grabs my left hand to see my ring and her eyes start to water

"I'm so happy for you!" She says kissing my cheek as I nod my eyes watering too. Once they all leave, I sit at the dining room table, my hand infront of me as I admire my ring

"How did I get so lucky?" I ask as I hear the door shut to the room

"I'm the lucky one" Ryan says.

"I've been thinking Ryan.." I say looking up at him

"What's up?" He asks me

"I want to get a dog.. Only so that when you're on tour, I'm not so lonely" I smile

"Then we shall get a dog" he laughs and I stand up and kiss him. 

A couple of minutes later, Ryan goes to the meeting that Louis had planned a couple of weeks ago, I sit at the table thinking back to when he proposed.


'Ryan.. Where are we going?" I ask him as he takes my hand in his and takes me into the backroom of the restaurant - he stops me before we walk through the door

"Please just let me put this on?" He asks as he holds up a red bandana, I sigh before nodding as he covers my eyes. I hear the door open before I feel him take my hand once more and then I feel myself being pulled - I hesitate at first but eventually start to move as I hear the door shut behind me. He lets go of my hand before I hear footsteps and then the blindfold loosens as he removes it. 

There infront of me is a candle-lit dinner with a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne in the middle - I walk over before Ryan pulls a chair out for me

"M'Lady" he smiles as I sit, he pushes the chair in before sitting in his own seat across from me. Once we finish our meal and talk for a while - we decide to head back to the hotel, we get back and into our hotel room before Ryan walks into the bedroom as I take off my shoes before heading in. I walk in to see something I wasn't expecting - the lights dimmed down as I walk further into the room until I see Ryan wearing a black tux stood at the bed as I see rose petals lied out until I realise what they spell out.

My mouth drops open and Ryan smiles before getting down on one knee

"Will you marry me?" He asks so smoothly, I don't say anything other than walk over to him and smile down at him before kissing him - we pull away and he looks at me 

"Yes" I nod and the rest of the night you can think about yourself (I AM NOT MAKING THIS DIRTY UNLESS SOME PEOPLE WANT IT THAT WAY!)


I smile just thinking back to the night, but now the hard thing is to plan - I get knocked out of my thoughts as the front door opens and closes before Ryan walks in with the biggest smile on his face.

"Why are you so smiley?" I ask 

"Well.. I have an amazing fiancée, I have an amazing job, I have amazing friends" he smiles

"No really Ryan" I laugh as he looks me in the eyes and smiles

"WE'RE FINALLY RECORDING A NEW MUSIC VIDEO!" They all scream and by they I mean all of the boys

"What song?!" I ask 

"I Wrote This For You" Josh smiles.

"However, we have some other news but we're waiting for -" Dayl starts but the door opens once again 

"We're here" Caitlyn says running in and jumping on Josh's back

"Nevermind" Dayl laughs as Josh almost falls to the floor not expecting being jumped on. I have never seen Josh be this happy since the early days with Courtney which is a really nice sight

"So what's the big news?" Mickey says as her and Cian pull away from their mini make out session

"We're going to be recording a music video for 'I Wrote This For You' but that isn't why we have got you all in the same place" Dean says as he wraps his arms around Mel's waist

"Louis has gave us the opportunity in which we are allowed our girlfriends to feature in the video" Brendan says as Sky plays with his long hair.

I see Caitlyn's face drop and I feel like I read her mind

"What about Caitlyn?" I ask "I mean.. Her and Josh aren't a couple to the world yet" she looks up at me and smiles 

"I have it all figured out" Josh says and the next thing I know is Caitlyn is being slung over Josh's shoulder and he's running around the room.. And people always wonder why I like them?


Please note that I have had exams which is why I haven't updated! I have also had some homework to complete over the weekend, but all I need to do now is complete my speaking and listening English exam and I'm done for the year! I hope you like and please leave and vote and comment and even share! It would mean a lot to me if you would!

The Interview that Changed Everything (Josh Gray/HomeTown)Where stories live. Discover now