Chapter 6

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A couple of hours later, everyone was dancing around or having way too much to drink - I look at Josh to see him and Courtney laughing with each other and sigh, alright I have a crush on him. I have since my sister  showed me them but it doesn't matter anymore, he's taken by an amazing girl who deserves to have him, I sit at the same place that I've sat at for the past 2 hours with my 2nd glass of wine in my hand 

"Hey Caitlyn" Elsie and Ryan say

"Hey" I smile.

"Thanks for the present, we love them" Els smiles

"You're welcome" I smile before they walk back over to the dance floor and start dancing together.

I finish the glass of wine before I get a tap on my shoulder

"Mind if I join you?" Josh asks as I look up to see him smiling

"Of course not" I smile as he takes the seat next to me "Where's Courtney?" 

"She got dragged up to dance by Mel and Mickey" he laughs as the man tending the bar comes over. 

"Another glass?" He asks me as I nod "How about you?" 

"Cider please" he says before the man gets our drinks - let's just say that nobody needed to pay as Ryan had taken care of it.

Me and Josh sit and chat for an hour before we both stand up and go outside for some fresh air

"It was beginning to get stuffy in there" I laugh and he nods, looking into my eyes - I notice him leaning in but so am I and I can't find a way to stop myself. Our lips meet and I feel sparks flying around me before I go back to reality 

"Josh?" Dean says, we pull away and I sigh, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach

What have I done? If Courtney finds out I'm going to be dead I think to myself. I look at Josh to Dean and then back to Josh

"Dean... Please let me explain!" Josh begs as Dean looks at me 

"We'll talk tomorrow. All 3 of us and possibly Mel" he says before walking back inside.

"I'm so sorry" I say to him

"It was my fault, you shouldn't be sorry" he says before walking inside leaving me alone, I walk in a couple of minutes later to be dragged to the side by Melody..

"Did you kiss him?" She says barely audible, I shake my head before she pulls me into a hug "I was hoping you was going to say that" 

"I don't know if I can stay at Ryan and Elsie's tonight, I don't know how I'm going to face her" I say as we pull apart before Courtney walks over...

"You okay?" She shouts over the music, I smile and nod before her and Melody drag me to the dance floor.

-The Next Morning-

I wake up on a sofa which I'm guessing belongs to Els and Ry, with the biggest headache ever

"Morning" Dayl says in a quite cheerful mood

"Morning" I groan "Do you have any pain killers?" I ask just as Ryan walks in

"I do" he says walking out and coming back seconds later with a full pack of paracetamol. He throws them to me as well as a bottle of water 

"Thank you" I say as Dean walks in. I take 2 tablets before putting my head in my hands as he sits next to me

"I know you didn't kiss him" he whispers 

 "But, I just let it happen Dean" I sigh, the guilt kicking in 

"Why?" He asks as I gulp 

"I like him.." I sigh as I stand up and walk out of the room. 


What do you think is going to happen? Does Josh like Caitlyn too? Or was it just the alcohol? I hope you like it so far, it would mean so much to me if you voted, commented and shared. The story should start kicking off slightly now, but I guess we'll just have to see because of how bad I am at writing.. Slow updates will begin on Sunday due to me needing to get ready to go back to school on Monday, but I am not saying that there will be no updates at all. There will be but not as often as they are right now. Anyway, I'm going to go and get writing the next chapter - it may not be up tonight because I won't be staying up that late again because I woke up super late but thank you for reading! It means a lot to know that you are enjoying it, hence the reason I like comments or messages.

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