Chapter 13

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Josh's P.O.V

It's currently 8pm and we are picking a movie to watch, we finally decide to watch all of the 'Harry Potter' movies because we all like them, we all change into our pajamas and then sit with the girl we are either in a relationship with or like. Caitlyn being squashed between me and Dayl, while we sit in the corner of the sofa - I put my feet up on the space free where neither Dayl or Cait have any part of them on it before Caitlyn puts her legs over mine and puts her head on my chest while we settle to watch the movie.

 Half way through I feel her shuffling around before she sighs

"What's wrong?" I whisper 

"I have cramps again and I can't get comfy" she says the annoyance clear in her voice, at that moment I look down into her eyes and smile before leaning in and kissing her softly as her hand moves up to my cheek. 

"Will you stop making out on my sofa?" Dayl says as everyone looks at us and we both blush before Caitlyn stands up and walks out of the living room and I hear the kettle starting to boil, I jump up knowing that she has gone to make a hot drink and run into the kitchen before smiling as I see her with her back to me.

I shut the door quietly and then walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist as she turns to look at me as I smile. I look her in the eyes and see the happiness in them, the smile on her face the biggest I've ever seen it. I don't just like this girl - my feelings are stronger than that, I am in love with her. Her beauty is one thing but her personality is the thing that made me fall in love. I hear the kettle click  off and her eyes look away from mine and towards the kettle

"Do you want one?" She asks me snapping me out of my daze as I nod before she slips from my hands and makes us both a cup of coffee. We decide to sit in the kitchen because we were both bored due to us not being able to sit in the same place for hours on end watching a film we had both watched a million times before.

I look at her as she takes a sip of her coffee and smile before taking a sip of my own

"So.. I want to go on a walk  through the park" she says suddenly, I swallow the coffee in my mouth and then look at her

"Do you want to go now?" I ask and she nods "We're in out pajamas?" 

"We can go and get dressed - I'm sure?" She says and I nod. We both drink the rest of our drinks before heading upstairs to get dressed, I wait outside of the bathroom for her to get dressed and smile once she comes out wearing my red Adidas jacket 

"You are not having this back" she smiles and I laugh.

We head downstairs and into the living room before seeing everyone engaged in the film

"We're going on a walk" Caitlyn smiles as Mickey looks up from the TV and then Cian pauses it

"This late?" Dayl asks and we nod

"Only to the park" I laugh and they all nod, realizing why I was going.

"Okay, we should be up when you get back" they say before playing the movie once more - we walk out of the house and down the street before arriving at the park and walk through before stopping by the lake. 

Caitlyn walks over and lays down by the lake and looks up to the sky, I decide to go over and join her before smiling up at the sky, my hand touches hers before we interlock our fingers and then lay there for a couple of minutes. I stand up and realise that this is the perfect time and place to ask her - I want this and I think she does too, she stands up too and looks across the lake. I walk up behind up and wrap my arms around her before smiling

"Caitlyn?" I ask as she turns to look at me 

"Yes Josh?" She says her eyes full of passion

"Will you go on a date with me?" I ask as she looks into my eyes.


Josh has finally asked Caitlyn to go on a date but will she say yes? I guess you're going to have to wait and see in the next chapter. Please vote, comment and share and please go and read 'visionary dream' by  hometown1d it is absolutely amazing!  

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