Chapter 10

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By the time I take Leer home and we get back to my house it's already 10pm and we're all tired, so we decide not to do anything and just head to bed. I let Ryan and Elsie have one of the spare rooms and Mickey and Cian in the other - Melody and Dean sleep on the sofa and I decide to get out the blow up bed for Ella and Dayl which leaves Josh.. 

"You can have my bed.. I have my bay window" I smile, I start to take 2 pillows from the 4 I have on my bed but feel a pair of arms snake around my waist, I turn and face him to see our faces inches apart

"Jo-" I start but he stops me as his hands fall firmly on my waist.

He leans in, this time my heart racing but with no hesitation I lean in too as our lips meet and the sparks start to fly around me once again. However, this kiss wasn't slow like the other - it was more heated. We don't break the kiss because we wanted to, it was more of the noise coming from the room next door - where Cian and Michaela are.

"Looks like I'm getting them to wash the bed sheets tomorrow" I laugh quietly, Josh laughing lightly too, I turn back around and try and grab the pillows but he stops me

"Stay with me?" He asks as I bite my lip nodding. 

I grab my "Coffee is my lover" pajamas and then walking into my en-suite and changing, brushing through my long brown hair and then brushing my teeth before going back in and getting into bed. Josh goes to brush his teeth and then climbs in next to me, pulling me into his chest once he's comfortable before I fall into a deep sleep pressed to his bare chest but catch something before I do

"I wish I could tell you how I feel" I hear him sigh.


I wake up and squint due to the light coming in from the curtains, I feel a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and then remember that it's Josh. I hear the door open slightly and shut my eyes tightly

"Oh my god they're sleeping together" I hear Mickey say and then footsteps coming towards my bedroom

"If you wake her up I'm going to be moody" Josh grunts but I can't help but giggle.

"They already did" I say rubbing my eyes and sitting up

"You look cute together" Dayl says in his slime voice 

"You know. I feel grumpy this morning" I say looking at him

"Will coffee make you feel better?" He asks.

"It sure will" I say before he skips off

"I want one!" Josh calls after him and then I hear a thud

"Ouch!" Dayl says

"Did he fall?" I ask and everyone nods before we all start laughing. Everybody leaves to go see if Dayl is okay and to leave me and Josh alone..

"I'm all sweaty from your body heat" I laugh to him and he smiles

"I might go to the gym soon.. Do you fancy coming?" He asks and I nod 

"I need to start going again" I smile.

I tie my hair into a messy bun and then turn to face Josh as he walks over, he kisses me gently and I smile once we pull away

"I have morning breath" I grimace 

"It was better than no kiss" he laughs before kissing my forehead. I brush my teeth and then Josh does too before we walk into the living room to see our coffee's placed on the coffee table

"Finally" Dayl says in his slime voice with an ice pack on his elbow. I look at Cian and Mickey before smirking and looking at Josh, getting ready to embarrass them

"Did you 2 have fun last night? I'm surprised you're up so early" I say with a smirk on my face as they both go red "You're washing the bed sheets" and with that I sit down next to Josh with the mug of coffee in my hand while those 2 sit embarrassed.


Well, somethings got steamy with Mickey and Cian and Josh and Caitlyn kissed again. What did Josh mean when he said "I wish I could tell you how I really feel" and will he ever get to tell her? I hope you like it and I hope you could vote, comment and share. It will mean a lot

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