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Walter Perez was a good lawyer. For the past 4 years, he was ranked one of the best trial lawyers in Florida. He was so good, within two years of working at a new firm, he had made junior partner. He believed that people should make the most of their lives and by being behind bars, you can't achieve that.

Walter Perez was also a good father, I should know. After all, he was my dad. Although being a lawyer, he never let the stress of his profession get in the middle of our father-daughter time. He made me feel like a princess without turning me into a spoiled rich brat. He was also my favorite parent.

Walter Perez was a good husband, I think. I wasn't exactly sure if whether he actually was or not, but I would suspect so. He hasn't cheated or anything on my mom and I haven't heard them argue, but there are times where you just wonder. Like the occasional late nights he would spend "working on a case" or the times he would snap at my mom for the smallest of things. I just couldn't help but wonder. The times where he would step outside to pick up a phone call. It was most likely about a case he's working on. But sometimes I would wonder otherwise.

Somewhere between lunch and my fourth hour class, I'd gotten a terrible headache. It started as a dull ache soon after I'd woken up this morning, most likely due to my lack of sleep which had only consisted of 2 and a half hours, which might I add, has been happening for the past couple days. The extra strength Tylenol had done close to nothing to ease the pain since I took it almost two hours ago.
"Miss Perez, are you alright? Do I need to send you to the office?" The substitute, Mr. Loranz, asked. My current teacher was out on maternity leave, which left my American History class with the devil incarnate, Albert Loranz, to deal with his tortuous packets. I opened my mouth to answer him, but quickly closed it as a sharp pain came across my forehead, forcing me to send a curt nod in Mr. Loranz's direction. He decided not to question me further and instead wrote a pass for me.
I quickly grabbed my stuff an made my way to the door, snatching the pass ad muttering a quick "bye" to the sub. On my way to the office, I decided to request an Uber, seeing as I was in no state to drive myself home.
9 minutes. Perfect. It gave me just enough time to sign out and leave my car keys in my cousin's locker so that he could drive it home for me. It wasn't often that I'd just leave my keys for him, but when I did, he knew it was because for some reason, I wouldn't be able to, physically, drive him home after school. Although, every time I left them, I would always send a little prayer that Alex won't damage my car like he did his last year.
By the time I was done, my Uber driver was waiting on me outside of the building. The female driver sensed my pain (thank you female intuition!) and decided to remain quiet the entire ride. I made a mental note to give her 5 stars when I woke up from my nap. I was out as soon as the car started to move.
"Sweetie, you're home now," the driver said, lightly shaking me to wake me up. "Do you feel any better?"
"Mhmm, yes ma'am. Thank you so much for the ride," I said to her. I opened the car door, grabbing my bag before I got out.
I slowly made my way to my front door, barely registering the fact that my dad's car was in the driveway.
As soon as I was inside, I headed straight to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge before making my way upstairs to my room. It wasn't until I actually reached the stairs, did I hear any actual sign of life inside my house. From the bottom of the stairs, I could hear grunting and faint squeaking noises.
"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, my face cured up in confusion. I stood there listening to the noises until I remembered I saw my dad's car outside earlier. "What is that man doing up there?"
I snuck up the stairs, fully interested in sneaking a peak at what my dad was doing that required him to grunt so often.
It wasn't until I heard another very familiar voice that didn't belong to my mother's, did my blood drain.
"Yes! Yes! Don't stop daddy! Uh!"
I could pick out that voice from anywhere. I just didn't know why I was hearing it now, in the middle of the day, in my house, followed by grunting noises. I didn't want to think about what it would mean. I couldn't. I continued to make my way up to stairs and walk towards my parents room, the origins of the sounds. And as I walked closer to the room, the clearer the voice became and the more I was sure. My grip on my opened water bottler bottle was dangerous and it didn't take long before I had the courage to open the shut door. I needed to know.
Lo and behold, were my suspicions confirmed. There was my dad, naked, with his dick inside my best friend of 7 years, also naked. Fucking each other in a position commonly known as doggy style, naked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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