B2CH15 - Tales of Ba Sing Se

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Zuko walked down the shop with a tray of cups, and looked at a girl. He walked up behind his uncle who was on a ladder, stacking things on a shelf behind the counter. And Shinju was grumbling like she did all day.

"Uncle, we have a problem. One of the customers is on to us. Don't look now but there is a girl over there at the corner table. She knows we're Fire Nation." Zuko said as Iroh looked at the girl, but was quickly pulled back by Zuko "Didn't I say don't look?!"

"You're right, Zuko. I've seen that girl in here quite a lot. Seems to me she has a quite a little crush on you." Iroh said.

"He's right." Shinju said.

"What?" Zuko asked, bewildered.

"Thank you for the tea." the girl said as she landed Zuko some coins "What's your name?"

"My name is Lee." Zuko answered "My uncle, friend and I just moved here."

The word friend didn't seem to bother her "Hi Lee, my name's Jin. Thank you and... well, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime."

Zuko was stunned as Shinju hid her laughter under a cough, which made both Jin and Zuko to look at her "Oh, don't mind me, just... continue."

Iroh responded before Zuko could "He'd love to!"

"Great. I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown." Jin said and walked away. Shinju couldn't hold her laughter anymore and literally exploded.

"Uncle, what have you done?!" Zuko growled at Iroh.

"No way you are getting away with this, Mr Furious." Shinju said "If I'm going out with someone, so you will."

Zuko's eyes widened "You're going out with someone, too?"

Shinju nodded "Yeah, tonight, thanks to Uncle."

"But you must admit that he was handsome, Shinju." Iroh said.

Shinju crossed her arms "No. He. WASN'T!"


"Don't you have any skirts?" Iroh asked to Shinju.

She shook her head "Nope. Not one."

"Fine, then I'll take it from our neighbours. They have a daughter at your age." Iroh said as he went away. Shinju facepalmed herself as Zuko laughed.

"Don't laugh." Shinju said as she pointed him in a threatening way. A few moments later, Iroh came back with some clothes. Shinju's eyes widened "I am not wearing these."

"Yes, you are, young lady." Iroh said as he handed them to Shinju.

"All right. But if I kill the boy, it is all your fault Uncle!" she said as she got inside her room. Five minutes later, she got out. Zuko's jaw dropped. Her top was eau-de-nil, sleeveless and short. It ended under her rib cage. And her skirt was a white, pleated one which ended five fingers above her knees. She had an uncomfortable look on her face "This is ridiculous! How am I supposed to fight in these if someone attacks us? I'd rather go with my underwear!"

"You're not on that base yet." Iroh said. Shinju and Zuko's eyes both widened.

"There won't be any bases, Uncle." Shinju said "I'm only doing this because you wanted it so much."

"Yeah, I agree." Zuko said. Then, he turned to Shinju "You look so... beautiful."

She was blushed "Thank you." she said then she squinted "What's wrong with your hair?"

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