Chapter Three

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Oh all must hate me. I'm sorry...But I'm back! And I will have another update this day next week!

Also, I've uploaded a prologue to the Attack On Titan story I wrote about in The Truth Behind The Lies, so go check that out. 

Same warning as last time. Hidan=foul language. Just take it as fact that each chapter will have foul language in this story.

*This is not edited...



When Leader-sama walked off and left me alone, I hesitated but after making a split minute decision spun on my heel and made my way back to the village. It was still this time as I walked through the streets. All life had escaped the once welcoming streets to hide in their homes.

Shutters were closed firmly, doors no doubt locked and barred shut. Everything gone quiet. I wandered down the path by myself, my hands linked together behind my back as I did. Whistling a careless tune, I looked around me with intrigue.

My feet slowed, however, as I lingered before the broken part of a wooden building. In my mind's eye, I replayed the moment the woman was tossed out into the street. I turned slightly, replaying the whole scene once more. The child, the mother, Sandro, his lackies. Scowling in distaste, I secretly regretted not murdering that bastard when I had the chance.

Shaking my head, I stepped up to the building beside the ruined one and tapped lightly on the door. There was a shuffling noise from the other side, someone lingering by the door debating on whether to open it or not.

"I'm the girl who helped you," I called out softly, folding my arms around my stomach. "I came to tell you that Sandro and his men won't be coming here again."

The door creaked as it was opened and the woman peeped her head out at me. I was mistaken before her hair was more of a black than a brown, almost navy in a sense. It fell over her cheek in a failed attempt to cover the bruise there.

"What did you do?" She questioned quietly. "He'll only return angrier."

"He's dead," I answered bluntly, shrugging my shoulders. I tensed slightly though seeing her eyes widening. I expected her to look at me with disgust, hate. To slam the door shut and scream at me to leave.

Instead, she straightened up and stepped back into the house more pulling the door open with her. "Good to know," She said nodding her head. "Come in."

Blinking at her in confusion, I stepped into the room unsurely. She ushered me in, shutting the door after me and gently rested her hand on my shoulder, leading me down the hall.

"I don't have much here, but tea and some dumplings," she explained as we entered a large room with pillows on the floor and a little table with said things there. Lounging across two of the pillows was her son and he shot to his feet at the sight of me.

"Hey! You're the girl! What you did was so cool!" He cheered stepping closer to me in excitement. "You made those men fly through the air without touching them! Will you teach me? Please please?!"

"Renly," his mother chided, shooting me an apologetic smile. "Sorry about him. He hasn't stopped talking about you since earlier."

"I just wanted you to know that you are safe now," I returned, sitting when she motioned for me too. Renly, her son, moved to the pillow next to me and ogled me. Frowning slightly at the boy, I quenched my brows in confusion. "I'm nothing special."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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