18 | reality check

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@gorehippie's chapter

Jack's eyes fluttered open, but when reality hit he shoved Mark off him and fell on the ground. The thump woke Mark and he shot up, rubbing his eyes slowly. Unlike Jack, Mark clearly wasn't alarmed by waking up next to someone.

"Jesus, you okay?" Mark asked, realizing his boyfriend was now laying on the floor.

Jack inhaled sharply, "Jesus is fine. Not sure how I am though."

Mark put his hand out for Jack, "What a witty boy you are," Mark stated pulling Jack up.

"What are you my dad?" Jack rolled his eyes.

Mark smiled brightly, "Yeah, and I'm gonna punish you real well you sinner."

Jack shoved on Mark's arm, "Hah, hah."

Mark wrapped his arm around Jack. Jack eased into Mark and laid his head in the crook of Mark's neck. A few moments passed where the two stayed silent in their embrace.

"My dad's going to kill me," Jack breathed.

"I won't let him," Mark protested.

Jack rubbed the arm that hung around him, "I have to go back, and I really don't think it's a good idea for you to be there."

"Jack he hit you. Like physically hit you with intent of harm. We could call the police, right now," Mark said, anger filling in him.

"No," Jack responded immediately, "You're blowing it way out of proportion anyway."

Mark let out a defeated sigh, "I'm not going to let him do that to you again."

"It's fine, I'm fine. Why do you care so much anyway," Jack nearly shouted.

Mark raised his voice to match Jack's tone, "Because I love you, and I'm not going to let some homophobic asshole hurt you or our relationship in anyway. Whether he's your dad or not. He hit you Jack, hit you. Do you understand how wrong that is? And for what, preferring to kiss guys? It's bullshit."

"I love you too," Jack nearly whispered.

The two took a moment to study each other's expressions. Both looked timid, but that didn't stop Mark from leaning in and kissing Jack. Mark cradled Jack in his arms while the kiss continued, neither willing to pull away.

A few knocks hit Mark's door before he pulled away, "What?" Mark yelled.

"Everything going okay? I heard some muffled yelling," Mark's mom called back.

Mark smirked at Jack, "Everything is fine mom, we're alright."

"I'll always be alright in your arms," Jack mumbled just loud enough to hear.

"You look kinda plain in just a t-shirt," Mark stated standing up, "try this."

Jack caught the red flannel that had been flung at him, "Lucky flannel?"

Mark nodded, "I wanna see how adorable you look in it."

Jack smiled softly at Mark before sliding his arms through the sleeve holes of the flannel. It hung off of Jack's slender frame, and Mark couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable boyfriend. Jack stood up and earn to kiss Mark.

"I love you," Mark mumbled into the kiss.

Red Is The Color Of Sin | septiplierWhere stories live. Discover now