3 | guilt

483 22 9

| @cringelee's chapter |

And of course, Jack regretting going with Mark. "I'm not going to know what to do," he mumbled, looking at the tiles on the bathroom floor.

Mark laughed, causing Jack to look up. "Who cares? You've got a schedule, right?" Jack nodded. "Then you're fine." 

"But they could be saying something important right now." Jack ran a hand through his hair, anxious. He had never skipped out on something at school, and the guilt was eating away at him. 

Mark shrugged and leaned against the sink. "You're a junior, right? Man, you've still got this year and the next left." He laughed, but it was an empty one. "It's the first day and I'm considering dropping out. Why bother finishing my senior year?" 

"School's important. It helps you get an education, something you need in order to get a good job. It helps you get your future in order," Jack almost mumbled.

"You're such a nerd. I bet you get straight A's." Mark raised an eyebrow. Jack looked away. "Whatever. Keep hanging out with me, and you won't care about school either." 

Jack bit his lip, something he did whenever he was nervous. Was Mark inviting him to hang out with him more? That was the implication, wasn't it? But Jack knew he couldn't accept. Mark was the one person he needed to stay away from. 

"You know those assemblies are like twenty minutes long, right?" Jack's head shot over to look at Mark. "You sure you want to be in here the whole time? You might miss something important."

Jack, not liking the smirk on Mark's face, quickly answered. "Yeah, sure." But on the inside, Jack was screaming. There was just something about Mark that made Jack turn to goo. With Mark, he wanted to live freely a bit. 

Considering he was going to be in there for a short while, he took off his bag and sat down, leaning against the wall. He looked at Mark and noticed he didn't have a bag. "Did you not bring a backpack?"

Mark raised an eyebrow. "It's the first day. Besides, I can just shove everything in my locker." He took another drag of his cigarette, and Jack watched as the ashy tip turned orange. "Why? I imagine you've already got everything you need in your bag, church boy." 

Jack didn't respond, and Mark took this as confirmation that he did. Mark held the cigarette out towards him. "Want to try?" 

Jack quickly shook his head no. He had never touched a cigarette and he wasn't going to ever.

Mark smirked, blowing a puff of smoke towards Jack.

Jack coughed and turned away from Mark. "How can you smoke those? They'll kill you, y'know."

Mark looked up at the ceiling, taking another drag of his cigarette. "I know."

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