Facts 41-50

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41. It's dangerous for the Operation guy to be awake during surgery.

42. You are always born on your birthday.

43. If at first you don't succeed, head to McDonald's for a lunch break. Than try, try again.

44. "Slow and steady wins the race." This was not the message in Turbo.

45. Chuck Norris may have gotten a home run in baseball by walking, but Dog-Dog got a home run without moving.

46. If a song is remixed, it means the singer didn't like the sound of the first version and decided to make it faster sounding.

47. If you're reading this, you can read.

48. People that are weird are normal. People that are normal are weird.

49. If Adele calls your phone, she's probably just saying Hello from the other side.

50. Friends are like hair. They'll keep growing to you until you cut them with scissors.

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