Facts 11-20

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11. Disney Channel would be much better if it had less sitcoms and less Pickle & Peanut.

12. Picking your nose is called digging for gold, but boogers aren't valuable and can't be measured in carats.

12.5. This rule's number isn't unlucky.

14. Krypto the Superdog is a better hero than Superman.

15. Dog-Dog beat Chuck Norris in a race. Your argument is invalid.

16. If a dog pees on the floor, it's bad. If a human pees on the floor, it's disgusting. If a human pees on the floor daily, they will be taken to a mental hospital wearing a diaper.

17. Your toothbrush is contaminated with germs coming from the toilet.

18. Sponges are used for cleaning, yet they're the dirtiest item in your home.

19. If you're being brainwashed, you're probably in the shower.

20. The Periodic Table does not have any "."s on it.

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