Chapter 5

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Everybody was silent, the only sound that was being made was the muffled noise of my sobs. The air was so thivk with tension that you could cut it with a knife. Paul slowly walked up to the prducer and whispered something in his ear. The man nodded andwaved at the rest of the crew, who immediatly began shutting down. 

Paul walked up to me and put a reasuring hand on my shoulder. 

"Dont worry Harry, they aren't airing the show. And everyone in the audience is being checked to make sure if they recorded anything, if they did then we'll delete it." He told me soflty before patting my shoulder and walking off. 

I shook my head at what I had just done. I ruined everything, Louis prbably hates me one hundred times more then he used to. Who wouldn't though? I had embarrased him in public, I made it seem like he was the bad guy. When really.... he's just an angle telling the truth. Im such an idiot, such a fucking idiot!

"Hey Harry, are you okay?" A voice asked, snapping me out of my depressed haze. 

I looked up and rubbed my eyes to see Micheal staring at me with concern on his face. 

"Um yeah, I'm f-fine." I muttered. "Don't worry about it."

The pity and concern in Micheals eyes only grew as my broken voice spoke. 

"Harry... " he started. 

"Stop it, I don't want your pity, or anybody elses. I'll be fine." I told him more sternly.

"Okay, I belive you. But if you ever need to talk, heres my number." He said, handing me what looked like a buisness card. 

I nodded and walked away to the van where the rest of the boys were waiting. Thank god we didn't have to do anything else today. All I want to do is lock myself up in a room and just forget. Forget that I had ever said anything to Louis, and pretend that he was still my friend. Even if things were more distant and awkward, at least he didn't hate me. 

I got in the van and looked around, there was no Louis. Biting my lip roughly I fought the urge to cry, he was avoiding me. I understand that he's mad, but did he really have yo act so childish and blantently ignore me like that. I let out a sigh and looked out my window as the van began to move. I barely paid attention to the city as we passed it, I was to focused on trying not to think about... him. 

As soon as we arrived back to the hotel I ran into my room and fell asleep once my head hit the pillow. All I wanted to do was just relax and not think about him for one moment. I let out a yawn as I fell into a dreamless sleep. 


"Come on Liam! He's just gonna fag up the place!" I heard a muffled voice shout. 

"Zayn!" Another voice shouted. 

I opened my tired eyes and looked at the clock beside me, it was already 9. I had been asleep for almost 10 hours! 

"Sorry Ni, but its true. He's going to be all depressed, or like try to hit on some guy." Zayn prostested. 

Quietly I got out of bed and snuck into the hallway so I could better hear their conversation.

"Listen Zayn, I know you don't like that he's gay. But he is still our best friend!" Liam told him.

Zayn let out a deep sigh. "Come on guys please just agree with me this once! I don't want a fag ruining our time together as buddies." 

"He's or buddy too, and I if he's not going then... neither am I." Niall said stubornly. 

I stepped out into the living room and they all looked at me.

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