Chapter 17

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Louis POV:

I watched Liam as he paced across the floor of our tour bus, a frustrated and concerned look on his face. Niall was sitting on the couch infront of me, checking on Harys twitter to see the last placed he tweeted. Niall and LIam have been fussing over Harry the past few days. They tried to call him after we left our other gig, but he didn't answer his phone. Infact, his phone had been out of commition. It was either destroyed, or Harry ended his phone plan. 

So naturally they called Harrys house, but his Anne had told everyone that harry had left. When we tried asking her where he was, she apologized and told us that even she didn't know of his whereabouts. Liam and Niall started freaking out, after our first show without Harry, the fans started to ask where he was. But once they saw the report on E! news, there was no question about why he wasn't there. 

Ever since that stupid atricle had aired, there were hate comments all over his and Harrys twitter. His fans began to get mad at him for making Harry so upset, while other supported him for his decision. Telling him that he was 'right to put that fag in his place'. People like that made Louis furious, he may not love Harry, but he was still his friend. 

And then there was Eleanor, she wasn't making the situation any better. If anything she was making things ten times more difficult. She demanded to know everything and wanted Louis to stop the tour and come and see her. She even wanted to go as far to cancelling the engagment. It took Louis hours on skype to convince her not to do something like that and to keep the engament.

"Wait! What if we could track his laptop?! Maybe he brought it with him, and if he was online then we could be able to tell where he is!" Niall exclaimed.

Liam turned to Niall, his brows furrowed. 

"Yeah, but it would take months to go through the all of the data, not to mention we don't even know if Harry took his laptop. If he didn't take his phone, then he probably didn't take his computer." LIam sighed loudly. 

Niall bit his bottom lip and nodded. 

"I guess you're right... Wait! What if-"

"For fucks sake!" He heard Zayn shout from the bunk beds, interupting Niall mid-sentece.

The grumpy dark haired boy walked out into the main area and glared at Liam and Niall, his hair tossled and his clothes a mess, it was clear that he had just gotten out of bed.

"He's not coming back! Get it through your heads, if he's ignoring your calls and texts and messages and whatever else you're doing, he probably doesn't want to be contacted!" Zayn shouted.

Niall frowned deeply, a defeted look on his face.

I looked over at Zayn and sent him a small glare. 

"I get that you're grumpy mate, but they just want to know that he's safe. Come off it, will ya'." I said, started to get a bit pissed by his attitude.

Zayn snorted and shook his hair out of his face, looking over at me with a raised eyebrow. "Are you sure that its just them Louis? I'm started to think that you're more worried about Harry then you would like to think."

My eyes widened and I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, its ridicilous to think that I worry about Harry that much. Sure I don't want anything bad to happen to him but that doesn't mean that I'm obbsesed with him.

"Don't be ridiculous Zayn, of course I'm worried about him. He's my friend." I defended. 

"Are you sure Louis? What about that time on the terrace? If you were just friends then you would have saved him and left, maybe giving hima  small hug, but nothing like the one you gave him." Zayn said smugly. 

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