First Floor: The lobby

Second floor- Sixth Floor: The floor for interns at National Elect Industries

Seventh Floor- Tenth Floor: Business field

Eleventh floor- Fourteenth Floor-Average meetings were held with other companies were held

Fifteenth Floor: Mr. Beacons personal floor (with only top people included)

Now that I thought about it there wasn't many people on this floor. You could tell he chooses the best to work with beside him closely. He must have chosen wrong with me. I thought to myself.

I mean don't get me wrong I have a lot of confidence, and I know I can get the job done. However, I only worked in the business field. I wasn't familiar with the idea of being someone’s 'personal assistant.'

"What time does Mr. Beacon show up to work?" I asked.

"He always shows up at 9:00, never later or earlier. That's why it’s always good to be a few minutes early before he shows up."

I nodded.

"Oh, I almost forgot Mr. Beacon likes his coffee made before he gets here. I'll walk you to the break room and show you how he likes it. We walked inside the break room towards the counter. It was small, but enough to fit a few people in here. There were white walls, and grey colored tile on the floor.

She showed me where the coffee filters, creamer, cups, lids, sugar, and spoons were located.

She then showed me Mr. Beacons 'special coffee' that he drinks. She explained to me that he just likes his coffee black nothing added.

"Just like his personality haha go figures" I thought to myself.

"Okay, well here are the supplies to make the coffee. After you make it head to his office, because he should be arriving shortly." She said

"Thanks Tracey" I responded

She smiled and walked out of the door from the break room. I began making his coffee just the way he liked it. When I was done I headed to his office walking in the familiar dark hallway. When I came across the two silver doors I pushed them with my little hands opening them.

When I walked in everything looked the same as last time. The chair that I sat on before was in the same position. I walked over and sat his coffee on his desk waiting for him to arrive. While I was waiting I pulled a notepad and pen out of my purse.

I didn't know If I needed one, but I was just prepared. I didn't need him to yell at me again. I was actually going to be nice and civil because I think we started on a bad foot. I mean the last thing I wanted is to have conflict with the person that I was working for.

I heard the door open behind me, I looked at the clock right above his desk, and Tracey was right 9:00 on the dot. I saw him on the side of my eye. He walked up to his desk with a brief case in his hand. He sat the brief case on the table opening it up.

He took out some papers and sat them on the surface. He closed his brief case and sat it on the ground beside him. He pulled his chair out and took a seat. There was also a laptop on his desk. He opened that up turning it on as well.

He just sat there looking at the screen for a while. I started getting irritated so I cleared my throat trying to gain his attention. I guess it worked because he looked up and gave me a frown.

"Oh, Hi Miss. Wake." He said flatly

"Hi Mr. Beacon!" I chirped trying to be friendly.

Being friendly back fired. He looked at me annoyed, probably because of the sound of my voice. He then looked back down staring at his screen. He didn't say anything. So, I started small talk, I mean tried to at least.

"So, how are you Mr. Beacon?" I asked

He took a sip of his coffee, and ignored me.

"How's the coffee?"

He ignored me again.

"Fine weather were having today huh?"

He still continued to ignore me.

"How is th-?"

"Please for the love of peace stop talking!" He snapped at me.

Wow, he was a real jerk. I mean maybe if he spoke up and told me what to do. I didn't have to do all that.

"Well sorry Sir, you weren't speaking." I stated

"Yeah and you were speaking too much"

I internally rolled my eyes at his comment

"I need you to update some personal contacts of mine and put them into the computer system. For each person, I need you to update their recent information. "

He handed me a folder, which I was guessing were the contacts.

I nodded writing down the instructions on my notepad.

I just stood there not knowing where to go. I think he sense me in the room still because he looked up at me.

"Why are you still standing here? I just told you what to do." He sighed frustrated

"I don't know where to go, and to do this stuff at.”

"Didn't Tracey show you your office"?

"No?" I scrunched my face in confusion.

He put down his papers harshly and mumbled words under his breath. He brushed past me going towards the door.

"Follow." he said sternly

I got up from my seat and followed him. We stopped in front of a black door, that was right next to his. He opened the doors and walked in.

I walked in following him and  looked around. The office was nice it was a little smaller than his. The only difference was instead of the color being silver mine was black.

I turned around staring at Mr. Beacon smiling, while he gave me a cold glare. I tried to lighten up the mood by thanking him for the office, and the job in general.

"Sir, I just wanted to say thanky-"

However, he walked away before I could even finish the sentence. I then heard his door slam from next door.

He really had an attitude problem.

BIG one too.

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