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A/N, no, this is not a mpreg, sorry.

Will's POV

One day, Nico and I were walking around Camp, holding hands, (yes, we're dating. Don't like it? Tough) when he suddenly gets this weird look on his face. He begins shrinking until he is the size of most two year olds. He's the most adorable toddler I've ever seen!

"Daddy, uppie!" Nico says to me. I look at him strangely, then a small smile forms on my face.

"What do we say, Neeks?" I ask bending down to look him in the face.

"Pwease?" He says, pulling the most adorable face and reaching his tiny little arms up to me. This kid is too cute. How did you become a toddler? I think whilst picking him up.

"Hey, Neeks?" I ask him.

"Yes, Daddy?" He says, smiling widely.

"How about we go see Chiron, Honey?"

"OK, Daddy." He says, cuddling into me.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mini Time Skipz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Hey, Chiron?" I say, as I knock on the door to the Big House. He opens the door and greets me.

"Will, my boy. What can I do for you?" Chiron asks, then, seeming to notice the tiny sleeping Nico in my arms, ushers us inside.

"Chiron, how did Nico turn into a toddler?" I ask, hoping he knew the answer. Of course, him being Chiron, he did.

"It would seem that someone from the Hecate cabin has used magic to turn Nico into a two year old. I could go see who it was, if you like?" Chiron asked. 

"No, I just would like to know how long it will last." I say to him, as Nico starts to stir in my arms.

"Oh, I'm sure it won't last long." He said.

"Oh, alright." I said, surprising myself at how disappointed I sounded.

"Daddy? I'm hungry." Nico said, looking up at me.

"OK, Honey. Thank you, Chiron." I say, turning around.

"My pleasure!" He called after me.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Other Majestical Time Skipz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"OK, what would you like?" I ask Nico, as I walk into the Pavilion.

"Chicken nuggets with apple juice pwease, Daddy." He says, then looks shocked when they magically appear on the plate and in the cup. He starts eating them, looking pleased. I'm not really hungry, so I just sit with him.

"How are they, Neeky?" I ask him.

"They're yummy, Daddy." He says, picking one up and trying to feed it to me.

"Mmm, thank you. Now, finish your nuggets so we can get to the beach." I say.

"OK." He answered. But then he scrunched up his face.

"What's wrong, Neeky?" I ask, concern evident on my face.

"Daddy, I need to pee!" Nico says. I quickly pick him up and run to his cabin. I open the door, put him down and he runs into the bathroom. He closes the door and after a bit, I come into the bathroom.

"Did you make it?" I ask.

"Yep!" He says, a triumphant smirk growing on his face. "Help, pwease?" He says pointing at the sink.

"Of course, Baby." I say, picking him up and turning on the tap. When he's finished, I put him down and turn off the tap. I walk over and flush the toilet too.

"Thanks, Daddy." He says.

"You're welcome, Baby." I say. Gosh, I love this kid. I think to myself. "Hey, Neeks, you still want to go to the beach?" I ask him.

"We go later?" He asks, yawning and crawling into his bed.

"Aw, is my little Nico tired?" I ask. He nods his head at me.

"Daddy sweep too?" He asks, holding his arms out to me.

"Sure, Neeky." I say, crawling in beside him and pulling the covers over us. He snuggles into my side and I wrap my arms around him lovingly.

" 'Night Nico. I love you." I say, yawning a little.

" 'Night, Daddy. Wuv you too." He says, letting his eyes droop closed. I sigh and fall asleep too.

A/N, Aw, baby Nico! Adorable! (Nico: I'm not adorable/cute!) Anyway, this is the longest one yet! Too much, too little?  As always, comments and feedback welcome, (constructive criticism only!) (Also, does anyone still read the A/N's?) Part 2, or naw? Word count: 707.

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